yea and about 15 min after i parked he got me lol wtf
l o fucking l at that coming from you. what about all the “asshole cops” that were just doing their job when you got tickets that you earned?
I usually wipe up my cum with speeding/parking tickets.
A good cop will write you a ticket, and say have a good day.
An “asshole” cop, will take you out of your car, swear at you, get all worked up, search your car, swear at you more until he is red in the face…then leave.
In case you didn’t know, you have the right to say “I don’t give anyone consent to search my car.” Then smile at him
I haven’t had the pleasure of doing it myself, but a friend has, and boy was it entertaining.
Just make sure you have insurance/not doing anything that could get you arrested, otherwise they CAN search your car without permission.
Just out of curiosity… how often does that happen? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000?
Buffalo is stupid. All they are trying to do is produce revenue, cuz they are broke and obviously don[t make enough on our low taxes here. I bet there’s drugs bneing sold and people getting raped and real crime taking place while all this is going on. But in order for the city to make money our forces are concentrated on giving people tickets for parking and “too bright of license plate lights”. I have half a mind to go DT and commit a real crime just to prove a point.
Please do, that way when you get arrested we won’t have to put up with your crappy posts.
That’s a good idea. Go try to mug someone on East Ferry.
eh, about 1 in 25 or so, but we process around 400 a day maybe? so it’s kind of a pain in the ass.
I do like getting notes and pictures that protest the ticket, they never work, and it’s hilarious to read the excuses the people write haha
Holy crap people are stupid.
i do wonder how many people get ticketed but never receive them…i’ve seen a few tickets laying on the ground, and when I got my ticket, they judge put it in the crack between my hood and fender…
luckily it didn’t blow off
They should write tickets to bumbs for being homeless and poor.
Because we all know they find money…
Soooooo… what kind of candy would you like? and will I get introuble If I print out a nude picture of my ex GF, and put it in there?