Tiger Japanese Auto Parts (out of Toronto)

i baught an s13 5 spd swap and a 180sx seat up there put it all in a truck bed and they didnt ask me about it, i also sold a complete s14 front end, hood bumper fenders ect so i had that going up, no questions either time. (although it was like 5am in the morning and 10pm at night when i came back

I bought a motorcycle in Toronto that was a race bike, so it had never been titled in canada, and still carried the Georgia title

Dominic and I drove to toronto with an empty trailer, came back, and said “its my bike, I’m just bringing it back” and they said ok and let me through without even checking anything

im just giong by what the neighbor said about it, since 911 they US and Canada officials talk back and forth

what about having AAA tow the car across the boarder? when my neon broke up there and i had CAA tow it back they didnt really ask any questions

Don’t you need registration and plates for AAA to tow? I’m pretty sure that’s the first thing the phone operator for AAA asks you for.

i’ve used AAA with just slapping some plates from another car on it, altho might be different doing that across the boarder

yes, and no

theres plenty of tow drivers that dont care at all, just as long as they dont think they will get caught by AAA in the process, because if they do AAA drops them as a service provider

but the thing about using AAA to transport a car across the border is the whole license plate deal. if you head over the border in a car with the plate XYZ123, slap one of your plates on a car just like it, and have that car towed back over, then your plates gonna cross back into NY twice

once on the car being towed
once on the car being driven

good luck getting your ass out of hot water on that one

if you realy want to transport a car over the border, do it using one of the states out west, where the closest thing they have to a customs booth is a phone booth where you have to call the customs office yourself

They have that in NY as well.

Hmmm… Does the St. Lawrence freeze, I’m sure it does.

I understand that You’re going on 2nd hand knowledge here, but You are putting ALOT of faith in people that make $Dick.05 / hour and just dont want to be out in the cold.


To bring motors back its easy as shifting into 5th. Me and my dad brought so many motors back and forth they dont even ask. I went to get my sr20 from missisagua they asked where we were goin we said to go pick up a motor. We Came back asked where did we go we said went to pick up a motor and they said have a nice day. And that was it.

VG30DETT for less than a grand nice

but more importantly…




I would go to the shop and check out the motorsets and front clips out before anything. A place called Osaka imports have good and bad rep. They sell good motors but they do have some bad motors that are blown. So u can trust anybody. Damn now i wish i would found htis place before i bought my motor. I paid 2400 american for my blacktop. I could of bought a s14 sr20 motorset for 2200.

i dont recall anything in particular about Tiger Jap… however, my good friend Varun imports with them and has a long standing relationship with them.

if there is something in particular you want i would put you through to Varun. He will give you the inside scoop on what is good and what is not.

Varun is usually able to guarantee the stuff as well, within reason, so you would have a easier time dealing with him as well… he tells me he can beat their list prices off the site too so its win win and you dont have to inspect as thoroughly dealing with a reputable dude over here rather than direct with that shop.

if you want a whole car you can park it at my place for a bit if you need, i am 5 minutes from the Queenston Lewiston border… for a small fee…lol

Thts who i bought my motor from. He is a god guy but there was one thing. He said he checked the compression of my motor which i dont think he did. The one day i decided to take the spark plugs out and i took the cover off and there were no coil packs. So i start to take the spark plugs out i got every one except the one in the #4 cylinder. There was a piece of plastic sitting around the spark plug so hte socket wouldnt go around the spark plug. There were leaves and water where the spark plugs go because it rusted a little. Overall Varun is a good guy but just dont lie about things. Now i dont even know if this motor is good ebcause i havent installed the motor yet and idk how to check the compression with it out the car. Any help would be great. Btw Bing when is the niagara meet gunna be? I wanna join this time.

Its called a computer

is there a starter on the motor ?

just use jumper cables and a battery to spin the motor over while you do the compression test

And this “computer” X-rayed a 20 foot box truck and a 25 foot enclosed trailer?
And this “computer” can identify a car’s year, make and model without a license plate?

How long do you think those '90 skylines for $9900 will run for before they pop? Mileage is unlisted.

the niagara meet will either be late may or early june, its in the works already.

my buddy dan just bought a $100k portable dyno and he will be set up on that day and maybe the day before too so people can sit their high HP cars on it and do pulls in teh parking lot with 100+ people watching.