Time for a re-build......

Thanks hoss…Wait until I actually get into the build…:smiley:

The good thing about the 10’ ceiling is that I can build shelves all around (or part of the way), and they won’t be in my way at all…they’ll be high enough at say 8’ or so.

It’s not cheap man.
I’m at about 10K right now, and I still have to wire it, pick some type of heat, and do the siding in the spring.
That’s materials only, at contractor prices. I’m building it myself.

Typically if you get it built, it’s about $1 build cost for every $1 in material according to the ol man.

Haha, I just work 9-5, spend the weekend days at the garage, the weekend nights partying, and the weeknights taking care of the books/researching this stuff. It definitely helps to have a VERY understanding GF. :smiley:

Man…I kicked myself a couple of times for not thinking of that earlier.
There are a couple of lifts FS locally for about $1500 (still too expensive for this year, but it got me thinking).
Typically you need 12’ for a lift…which would be through my ceiling.

In the mean time, I could stagger it between 2 trusses and take half of my garage, but I don’t know if I’d really want that.

Princess Auto sells “portable lifts” for about 3K that only need 9’…way too expensive for me, but they store along the wall.
Basically you sink 8 threaded anchors into your floor (in the cement), and then wheel the 2 side posts of the lift over to these and bolt them down when you need them. Hook up the hydraulics and you’re good to go.
When you’re done, unbolt and store, they take up very little room.

But I’m not quite that baller…yet haha