Time to break-up with the lady and quit my job

how about a life away from video games? thats a thought

the video games are to escape from life, i have enough life thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

I am gonna look for girls on World of Warcraft

Oh Hi! I’m CB, I’m a girl on WoW. BFF forever?!!!1!? Can I have some free items, and gold and stuff and I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend online! tee hee!

Yep… smart idea…

You Shall Burn In Hell For Uttering Such Words!!!

or something really really bad…

70 druid, horde dalvengyr. looking for a place to re-roll a pally tank.



Where is Everquest these days? people still playing that too or is WoW and WAR just goning to further overshadow that game?

God I wish I had the time to get into WoW again.

new eq2 expansion comming out in nov…

That is what comes to mind when WoW is mentioned :biglaugh:

im horde on medivh. i dont really play that much anymore, then again, its still decent out, but working 60hrs a week > all

I can’t fucking believe people over 14 years old still play this game…


thank you, I needed that this morning

im glad to say i have no idea what any of this shit means. i read wow and thought, WHIP OUT WEDNESDAY!!! WHOOOOOO! then my mental images were crushed by the fat man behind the computer, operating on 45 cans of red bull.

^ its “wack off wednesday”

well at least on entensity

on O&E a couple years ago they started it, everytime you see one of those stickers, girls are supposed to whip em out. :tup: iv provoked it a few times riding with my friends.

love it when ppl say this shit. get a life.

Must suck to be over the age of 14 and not be able to afford $15/month


yep, your a douche nozzle.

lolz i bangs more gurlz then u do and play w0wz all dey brah.

I have a 49 Tauren hunter on Arthas, Let’s all re-roll NYSpeed guild holla.

edit: WAR = BAD. I personally love WoW PVP, I’m sure it could be alot better but it is still enjoyable.

lol same here, and i have 2 70s and a 3rd comming soon lol

70 priest in kara t4 gear my rogue, and my warlock which im having a blast with. im on medivh all HORDE

I played a BG with a 49 Ally Warrior from Medivh he was even twinked out and I kept rolling him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If anyone else plays post up what realm and charc(s)!! I know no-one on my server I just started playing and picked Arthas b/c it was the first EST timezone/pvp server I found

I have a Level 70 Dwarf Hunter in all BT/MH gear. Moving in on Illidan, cant wait!