Time to break-up with the lady and quit my job

$15 a month? I didn’t even know that, that makes it even more fucking sad. That’s not even close to the reason why I don’t play it. Same kind of people play this game that are into magic cards and yugioh and other super gay shit like that. Sry not me.


If that was true, you never would have said anything like that. But whatever helps you sleep at night… or rather helps you stay up all night playing WOWWWWWWWWWOWZORS

edit: FYI you guys do understand that everyone in the world except you f’in loser wow players agrees that you’re all a bunch of fucking geeky douche bags?

no, really.

whoa brah chill out lets go to abercr0mbi3z and pixx up some biatches whileZ drankin heines aiiiiiiiite? shiettt brahz 4 lyfe.

how about outside the store? they spray a little too much cologne in the ventilation system for my taste

okay honestly most people arent douche bags, i know a lot of WoW players that arent assholes, fat, and super geeky. and i work with most of them also.

I’m not gonna knock on any you that play since I’m sure you enjoy it and have fun, but when I just even watch people play I get so bored I want to stab my eyes with toothpicks just to make it more fun…

SO what your saying is that your life is so cool that you can sit behind a computer screen and tell people they suck at life and call them losers…wow

I hate you… but yea… this is exactly my feelings n this too

Is the cracked scene big for WoW? I remember when the game originally came out there was a lot of cracked servers with a lot of players.

I don’t have the interest to play a lot but I would play the cracked game every now and then but paying 15/month would be a waste for me

ya leveling is BORING, but at 70, its fun, cuz your doing all of the cool, like pvping, and raiding, also depends on the guild your in as well. i was in a lot of cool guilds which made the game fun as hell to play.

Id come out of retierment to play on a NYSPEED guild. and 3 guys on in my old guild were pretty baller. the GM played Semi-Pro football, another was a millionaire selling farmland/cattle, and the other was some stock broker. So not everyone who plays is some “fucking geeky douche bags”

I used to play Knight Online. It was free but it was more questing than PvP from what I noticed.

Ive played WAR, and their pvp sucks, and i was good at it. and its fast paced, but id still say WoW’s is more superior than WARs and WoWs pvp is defiantly not SLOW

There used to be a huge local guild that was like a top raiding guild pre-BC on Horde/Skullcrusher… Still around but only a few local kids left.

If anyone wants to hit up a local guild post up and we’ll figure something out as far as Realm/Faction

Edit: Also if you have a friend that wants to play or feel like buying a new account they have 3X XP right now which is insane. If you level together you get 3X the normal XP for all mob’s and quests up to level 60

im on medvh… and i dont really feel like transferring any of my characters really.

skullcrusher/ally here

wicked you gunna re-roll with us?

Drenden/Elune here

Looks like tomorrow night starting at 6 is when the nyspeed group starts the grind. PM me or shiftdead for vent details

uuuuuughhhhhhhh pve server its such a tough decision

wtf shiftdead stealing my avatar… ghey