Time to get serious, Kserious

You should go on craigslist to see if anyone is selling a china cabinet or hutch that you could use to display it instead of using it.






You must’ve missed the intense welds


Joeys always raining on my parade… somehow not surprised.

Some one has penis envy

does the quality of your manifold directly relate to the size of your penis?

Yeh I got T4 twin scroll bitches what’s that tell ya

You’re compensating for something :number1

It does indeed

sorry breh, never seen someone so ecstatic

eh my shitty, dirty ass 2 bolt ramhorn does just fine…it’ll do just fine with the new owner as well so I couldn’t care lessssss

:cone :cone :cone

Penis envy. This guy has it ^

I have a LOG, so you’ve got no comparison.

This thing sucks

you suck

Tis true, might as well buy a big truck too

Make sure its diesel

Things are coming along yet we are still hitting snags. Gonna need some help from my boy jesus to make it to the dyno on time.