Time Warner Customers Look Inside

If you are paying for Time Warner’s premium service and are getting horrible download speeds and your net is just running like shit CALL THEM ASAP.

About two months ago my net started getting download rates of around 20-30k/sec which the nerds will tell you is worse then what you can get with AOL. So I finally got pissed off when I could not download the update for a game fast enough and called. They sent a tech out and he did all his tests and nothing was wrong. He continues to tell me that 2 months ago they switched computer systems and about 1800-2000 customers that were premium got booted to basic but “they did not know which ones”…(right…) So he calls their service center and sure as shit I was under there basic package and not premium. So they changed it over and REIMBURSED ME FOR 3 MONTHS SERVICE.

So just be advised that this could also be happening to you, and you might wanna get it fixed.

TM blows 3 legged horse cock


they’re fuggin down for me right now UGH. surfing the web on a treo SUCKS.

I’m gonna have to call them, but I owe them a couple months. hate tw…

not much we can do though. it does suck.

Fixed. Time Warner blows.