Time Warner Premium Road Runner?


Test was 100% successful, the upgrade didn’t even boot my AOL offline.

Heres a preview of what cx should be getting soon


(just ran this when I got home)


Link to test we can perform to see what we currently get?

wow! Thanks Time Warner!

Link: www.speedtest.net


3814 DL 355 up hmmm sounds like more than i am actually getting


Looks good thus far:
Employee testing —

BW Down BW Up Bootfile docsisisp docsisbootfile
10240000 1024000

Just a sneak preview.


couldent put the bootfile name in there could ya…lol


^^^ hehe, I don’t want to risk losing my job for something like that haha. But soon enough everyone will be getting the update, as of right now its employee testing but the tests so far went 100% successful. Over 900 modems got swapped to the file and not 1 had an issue of failure or downtime so I’m sure its only a matter of a week or 2 before its released to customers.