Time Warner vs Direct TV

ok so I’m moving out to an apartment and they allow you to have direct tv or time warner…we already have time warner for internet now. Does anybody know what would be a better deal since we already have the internet and we dont need a house phone and we don’t want get DSL? We already pay like 60 bucks a month for internet and we love Direct TV.

Go Direct TV. When DTV jacks their prices up, go back to TW and when TW jacks their…yeah, I think you get the idea.

Get Cox. :shrug:

On the timewarner site they have for 89.99 internet and digital cable, with the free hdtv tier.

Plus 7.33 per month per rented tv box.

I’m going to go with that.

No contract, some of the dish companies want you to sign a 2 year agreement with a 150 termination fee.

Sounds like bullshit to me.

I just got a thing in the mail from Verizon that includes phone, high speed, and directv for $99/month.

So you’re starting with $97 + all of the crazy cable taxes and you only get the good channels on one TV? sweet. With $30 deducted for DSL, you can get so much more for the money with either dish company.

plus all dish pictures blow cable pictures away, all day, every day.

arent you in the process of getting anal raped by the nys dept of taxation?


You don’t have to sign an agreement with Dish Network. You just pay an extra $50 upfront. That’s it.

It really depends on how important HD is to you. Direct TV has a lot more to offer for HD customers then time warner. If you dont need HD then i might consider TW just so i have only one bill to pay. Direct tv does offer a few more channles over tw too.

Either way i’d still pay for road runner.

I didn’t say I bought it.:stuck_out_tongue:
I will be making a thread about this soon.:uhh: