For reference sake, if you build an order for FIOS TV without and package discounts (including phone, etc) it is:
My example is: two HD tvs & one SD tv
$47.99 - TV Essentials 200 channels + all digital channels & HD
$5.99 - SD STB
$9.99 - HD STB ($4 discount makes it $5.99)
$19.99 - Media Center DVR (free for 12 months)
$83.96 / month gross -or- $59.97 / month net for the first year after discounts.
One time fees:
$19.99 - activation fee (waived when ordered online)
altho I think it is safe to assume that you need to have FIOS internet service to have FIOS televison as the Actiontec router & ONT are required for both.