Timing Belt Job Performed Twice

D.c did everything he could to keep Saab going etc but Saab as a whole shut down so that’s his fault ??? Hmmm ok , capt your friends with his bro ? That’s just funny in itself as he is a fuckin joke himself who can’t hold a job or do one properly himself lol . When he was a tech tire guy he couldn’t even get our wheel weights correct ! Maybe now at napa he will be good although matco tools sucked for him also so I doubt it . I brought my own car there to have d.c align it and some other welding shit done to it along with being there on non work related times . He goes out of his way to make peeps happy ask Kenny larow and his sti ! If u believe alpine your higher than he is cause that kid pulls more shit out of his ass than he is worth .

im dont believe anyone i dont know, im just going on people who ive known for a very long time and the experiences they have had… honest people who run a honest business thats all

So jumping job to job and attempting to fuck others out of there working is honest ? No shit I have been doing it wrong I guess

So passing along ecleptic pieces of hearsay in your own words is truth?
So is eveything on the internet

well no i was at your saab auction i actually bought your pallet jack and scissor table and the nut and bolt assortment, thanks for those btw… and im not just alking about his brother… im not gonna name people on here that dont want to be associated with this website

ok…done with you…next witness please

im sry for getting this off topic… but lets think about this a business that has nothing to do with albany or nys what so ever says there was a bolt that came off and caused the engine to jump time months after the timing belt was replaced, ive been working on cars since i was 16 years old and thats just too big of a coincidence for a bolt to just “loosen” up and fall off in a area that was being worked on… maybe vw bolts loosen up idk if so then im 100% wrong

I need to hear the story of the last time you were there, OP.


we are all trying to understand this

its easy we are humans and we make mistakes and leaving a bolt hand tight isent the hardest thing to do, just a matter of how the situation after the fact is handled.

The beating on of alpines car was not needed. It’s a cobalt ss, for Christs sake.

If you have people that work at your establishment that do that, you need to re evaluate your business.

I’ve never had a tech drive my car more than a few feet into the bay for a NYSI

By technicalities we are supposed to do a brake bias test to make sure brake equalization is on ! Most places including myself are satisfied with seeing if the pads are worn equally . We are not required to do the test but some places do it

Ok, since I live in Florida and you’re at the heel of the NYS DMV, not me, I will talk about that last visit at your request.

So I had the timing belt done, a tooth off then fixed, in April. In June or July I called ASS and asked for an appointment to have my CV boot replaced and have an inspection. I didn’t think this would cause a problem since my catless exhaust was installed by ASS and they had passed it at least once before, possibly twice but I’m not certain. They booked me out two weeks. When I arrived that day Harold told me he forgot to order the CV boot but he might be able to get one there in an hour or two. To be honest, after the timing belt job, I was a little nervous but was giving the shop another chance bc I had been going there for so long. Forgetting to order a part isn’t a big deal except it wastes the customers time. So they decided to bring my car in for inspection while I wait for the part to possibly arrive. So the tech starts the inspection. Harold begins to tell md that he may not pass the car bc of the exhaust but that he’d try to talk to him. Harold tells me that they’ve had a lot of attention from the NYS DMV lately for allegedly passing cars that should have failed due to the cat. Harold told me that the DMV can see that the car is tuned for a catless exhaust but their system doesn’t fail it and that’s why the DMV was rolling out webcams.

So the tech stops the inspection when the car goes up on the lift due to the straight pipe. Harold says he’ll go talk to him and see what he can do. They talk for a bit out of earshot in the bays and Harold comes back saying the tech is refusing. I protest saying I’ve had it done before, I don’t understand the difference today, and no…I wasn’t yelling or cursing. But I was upset bc now I’ve had a timing belt installed incorrectly, the part I scheduled my appointment for wasn’t here and potentially could not show up for hours, and the inspection couldn’t get done. So I told Harold I was done and I just wanted my car back. Harold tells me he wants to talk to Daryl and goes to the office.

Daryl walks out and says he’ll go try talking with the tech. Again, he goes into the work area and they have a conversation. This time I watched and the tech is adament about refusing and is beginning to get upset.

So Daryl walks back in and says the tech is refusing BUT they might be able to fashion a false cat out of some spare parts. I took this to mean that I could pay to have another tech fabricate a false cat in the same work area as the tech who just vehemently refused to do theIspection. That did get me real mad and I said something to the effect of “Why would I pay you to make something to fool your own tech?!”

At this point I told Daryl that I had been repping the shop for two years, that I just wanted my car back, and I was done bringing my business there. Daryl said I was taking my frustrations about the tech out on him. I said that it wasn’t just the tech, it was the timing belt, the part not being there, now the inspection, and finally the suggestion that they make a false cat to fool the guy that’s ten feet away.

During this conversation my car had been pulled around. When I turned around to leave the tech that refused to do the inspection was standing there with, what I took to be, a smug smile on his face and he said, “Good luck,” as he dangled my keys in the air. So yeah, “Go fuck yourself,” was my response.

6.5 hours of time at Horsts and installed properly.

Interesting. I know plenty of people that will pass cars with no cats as long as it passes through the computer.


Rule number one: custom parts is custom problems.

Rule number two: asking a tech to pass your illegal car is still against NYS law. You’re asking the tech to put his # on the line in the event they get audited. If someone came into your work and asked you to do something illegal would you oblige? Having done it previously loses grip when NYS is ramping up enforcement every year.

So someone doing his job is now a asshole ? Cool shit . I love failing assholes cars and I also scrape the sticker to really be a dick .

While I do agree the dude was doing his job if someone comes to you thats generally a chill person and he has no cats I’m sure most people would just pass the car if it passed through the computer. Makes me think the OP did something to piss the guy off and he wouldnt pass it as kind of a fuck you back unless he really just didnt wanna pass it, which is 100% his right to not pass it.

I had never seen that tech before. Also, I would have not had an issue if they told me that it wasn’t a good idea when I scheduled the inspection. They knew the car. I had less of a problem with the tech and more with Daryl amd Harold. So to recap, and you guys tell me if I’m crazy, timing belt installed a toith off which results in three extra days without my car, part is not on site for a job that was scheduled two weeks prior and wasn’t on site when I left, inspection that they had passed illegally before was scheduled knowing that it wasn’t gon a happen again without giving your customer a heads up, and the shop owner suggests billable hours of fabrication to trick the dude right behind him…THEN my timing belt skips three teeth due to a loose bolt that was located inside the tb cover and only THEN do I post the info here…yes, that’s clearly a product of my short temper and not at all a product of the ASS service that I received.

There’s loyalty, then there’s stupidity. I’m loyal, not stupid. So when I see something I’m paying for going downhill fast, heck yeah I’m switching brands.