Timing Belt Job Performed Twice

Ok so now every shop has to remember every car for customers ? Come on lol that’s dumb to think . I agree 3 days to do a t belt job is bad , we still hevent seen said bolt yet so I’m still in there favour

I will say I have seen ASS go out of their way to help a buddy of mine and charge him very reasonable labor. While I dont think they are the best automotive establishment in the area your situation sucks OP i’ll agree to that. I had a bad experience a few years ago with them and for that I would never bring my car back, but thats how I am. I had a bad experience at LIA Honda when I got home from deployment about purchasing an 05 TL and I will never buy a vehicle from any LIA establishment again. Not that they need my buisness because they are clearly very well off but FUCK LIA.

Jiffy Lube ftw when it comes to inspections, as crazy as that sounds. Takes 10 minutes and all they do is pull the car into the bay and then back out, a total of about 1 car length.

Just don’t let them do anything else, like change the oil.

i wouldnt want jiffy lube looking at my pile of crap from across the street! yikes!


Right because you don’t want to know if there is anything wrong that is a safety concern? You really are a complete moron aren’t you?

Nothing is going to be a “safety concern” on a 6 year old car that’s been properly maintained. I’d rather be able to watch someone with my rolling asset instead of handing over the keys to some 17 year old goofball who is going to take it out of sight and do who knows what to it. Thank you for your concern, though. Fag

I doubt there will be a safety concern seeing as how the car owner is a most likely an enthusiasts whom works on their car. I do the exact same thing. Jiffy Lube is by far the easiest place to get inspected. Just make sure you have new wipers and all the bulbs work.

20 bucks says krazy kid is reading this thread and dyinggg to write a novel up in here


double post

Oh really??

Both of your statements completely prove my point. While a 6 year old car isn’t likely to have say a rotten frame there are still plenty of other safety items that should be checked yearly. So you guys are telling me you both jack up all 4 corners of your cars atleast every 12 months and get completely under the vehicle and inspect everything? If I had a dollar for every vehicle some harry home owner brought in that they tryed to fix and fucked up I could retire. The NYS inspection law exists for a reason, but you two clearly know everything about anything so I’m really just wasting my time writting this inbetween jobs on a Saturday.

Damn you guys are ass blowers. Get off ass’ ass. Come up and breathe a little.

They fucked up the kids car more than once and a bunch of others on this site. How much more do you need to hear…

I didn’t know there’d be ass blowing. NOW I’m sub’d! :hug

tech is doing wot pulls in a cobalt ss one week… Next week a tech is denying a inspection when the guys had inspections done there a few times. Not gonna lie I’d be pissed.

actually, i was under my car today fixing stuff. and my name isn’t Harry.

Ok, but you do understand the point of the safety half of a state inspection is to make sure that all the vehicles on the road are safe to operate right? Let me phrase this differently. You have a wife and a young child right? Lets say I’m a do it yourself kind of guy who thinks I know what I’m doing, but fail to notice the hydraulic brake booster leaking on my 7000 pound 3/4 ton truck. Since state inspections are just a waste of time and don’t require a real mechanic to perform I go to Iffy lube and they just check my lights and slap a sticker on it. Well 3 week (or however long later) your wife and kid are driving infront of me and have to make an emergency stop. I jam on the brakes and the previously leaking but functional booster finally blows a seal and I rear end them. Hopefully nobody is hurt, but then again if the tech doing the state inspection gave a damn about his job and responsibility I would have atleast known I needed to fix my truck.

Anyway the whole point of the KK rant is while it may be ok to sticker slap newer low milage vehicles the whole point of state safety inspections is to protect the public. Take it as you will, but it is important since well over 90% of the people out there driving around barely know how to put gas in their damn car. They trust the person doing their inspection to know what they are doing and actually inspect the car and make sure it’s safe to drive. So yes the guys at Jiffy lube, Valvoline and alike that don’t do what they’re suppose to are an issue.

This. As long as you’re not throwing any codes they’ll pass you with a hi-flow cat. They have passed my Evo for 3 years now. However, as Alpine said, do not let them perform any other work on your car.

As far as ASS goes I’ve never had any issues with them but in my experience I’ve found them far more expensive then even the dealership. I would never go back and I would never recommend them.

Maybe if you took the time and learned how to work on your own pile of shit you wouldn’t run into problems like this!! Quit your fuckin whining, if i was ASS i’d tell you to fuck off just like you told them.

Haha. Thanks for the bump.

This is where I’d like to point out that I’ve only essentially reported happenings and didn’t ever call anyone any names. I think that’s important here…Not the forum per se, but this thread.

Wow. Hopefully, you know how to do everything from mowing the lawn, to computers, to working on the house and never need to hire anyone for any reason at all.

Just because a person doesn’t know how to work on a particular part of their vehicle and thus hired someone that is a PROFESSIONAL to do so, doesn’t mean it’s their fault when something breaks as a result of the said PROFESSIONAL not fixing it correctly.