Timing Belt Job Performed Twice

Good thing i damn sure do. My point was maybe if people put in a little bit of effort once in a while to learn something themselves they would save themselves a few bucks and avoid situations like this. A fucking timing belt isnt rocket appliances, im sure you could even find a fucking youtube video on it.

It doesn’t matter if a person knows how to or not. He paid for a service and the service wasn’t up to par. Your logic is completely flawed and unnecessary.

I actually agree here.

If everyone did this, the business in question and every one like it would be out of business. If I thought for one second that your approach was coming from a good place I could tell you a few mitigating factors that might have prevented me from doing certain work on my car. I’m not saying I’m paralyzed, but I am saying that you really shouldn’t do a timing belt job on the side of a main street in Watervliet. But really, what does that have to do with anything? Did you buy your TV? Why didn’t you learn to build one? Where’d ya get the computer or phone you’re typing on? Everyone has different specialties. My whole point though, is that if you bought your computer/phone/TV and it crapped out five months later, you’d be pretty pissed if the company that made it told you there was nothing they could do.

I simply posted events.

I’ve had a few nice cars…

Never changed my own oil, i’ve put some air in a few tires though.

I will say that if I mess up with my job, than I am to blame… And I sure would do anything in the world to correct it. Not just for the customer but also for my reputation.

You only have one name. I wouldn’t want a shitty reputation like the whore in high school or in this case ass.

everyone is entitled to your own opinion. if you dont like ASS, dont go there.


I agree. The only other thing I want to post is that photo since it was requested. I’m going to contact them today to see if they can email it to me. They are closed on weekends.

dude dont ever bother, your not going to get anywhere with posting pics on here there are a few members that actually see what your saying logically… id report them to better business bureau and dmv and be done with it, they are not going to refund you your money clearly…

but can he do that being his car is catless and he knows it? wouldnt that be throwing himself under the bus? clearly you didnt think this through Captain

Lol capt u really are a piece of shit ! Let me know when your batting average on a car rrepair is 100% ! Till then Shut up retard stop sucking the cock of his brother and just stop . How can u not see nobody on here likes ya ? So therefore your opinion means shit !

go fuck yourself asshole! i never said anyone is 100%!! but when you cant admit to your fuck ups thats when your a scumbag! just like how he cut his employes pay so he can fund his race car that ran for 6 mins? or how about how he didnt give them a bonus again for the race car haha, and im sry i still know a bunch of saab places still open even after saab closed their doors… fuck off there are multiple people on here that wont ever go back to ASS i could care less if you like me or not, im a honest person who has never fucked anyone over and always tries to help people out and the fact that you or a few other pewole on here dont like me means jack shit asshole!~

not talking about the inspection, thats between him and albany speed shop and the tech that did pass him, dmv still wants to know about other mishaps not just inspection related items

This thread makes me head hurt. Not because of the actual issue at hand, but because of the way you guys are lashing out against one another… Locking thread and editing stuff now…


Cleaned thread up. If any of you guys are going to make personal attacks, do it through PM.

I’m glad I got to ya capt ! Your still a little bitch

how about personal love confessions? can that be public?

I am perfectly content with that.

Since its now on topic- I’d give Gatville a HJ.

I might as well chime in here on my latest ASS experience.

WARNING: KK novel ahead!! You have been warned…

After installing my Forest struts / springs in my STi, my alignment was more off than I expected. I called up Daryl in hopes of getting it done in time and he said that he was very busy and booked up, but that he would make sure to get to it if I could drop it off with him for a couple days. The days were nice, and I had my bike, so I was more than willing to leave it with him as long as he needed. After only a day, he called and let me know it was all set. I went back later that night (after closing) and picked it up (he left it just outside the gate and I had the spare key). On the way home I noticed that it was still pulling hard and I’ll admit that I was pretty pissed off since there was no time to fix it (so I thought). I decided to get under that night and noticed something on my tie-rod end… which in the dark I originally thought was damage… so I got a little more heated. Since I am a business man, and believe in allowing Daryl to make it right, I sent him a message (instead of just bashing on facebook / on here). I didn’t expect anything major, but hopefully an explanation. Daryl called me back the following morning (on a Saturday) and asked me if I could bring the car down so he could look at it personally… even though they weren’t technically open. So I finished up an installation I was working on and headed over. As soon as I showed up, he immediately stopped what he was doing and we put it right on the alignment machine. First of all, the tie-rod end was not damaged like I though… it just had a few ‘teeth’ marks from a set of vice-grips which I completely and 100% agree were needed because the tie-rods were tough to move. Sure enough, the alignment was way off. The tech was completely stumped because he knew he had it right the day before. We re-aligned it and I took it back out for a test… sure enough it was still pulling hard. When I got back, Daryl once again stopped what he was doing and went with me to test it. We noticed that after every right turn, it would pull right; but then every left turn, it would pull left. So we determined that something was moving. Since ASS did nothing but the alignment, I knew it was nothing they did and told him that I would work on getting it fixed and be back once it was done. He pretty much told me “NO” (in a nice way) and that they had an empty lift and some extra time… and that we were going to figure this out right away. So up on the lift it went. After probably an hour or so of searching we finally realized that the camber kit bearing was seized and that the entire spring assembly was turning on the perch whenever the wheel was turned… which was constantly changing the alignment on every turn (binding the spring). At this point I knew 100% that it was completely my fault and nothing that Daryl or his tech could have done. I offered to pay for the diagnosis and Daryl refused to accept anything and said that he would rather see me as the customer happy, than to charge for his time… then continued to say that we weren’t done yet. He made some calls to the NAPA manager (NAPA was now closed) and was able to get a hold of the parts to fix my car… which was a miracle in itself. So the parts arrived within about 5 minutes and we were able to get it fixed 100%. By this time, he was already BEYOND late to get home and we did not have time to do a full alignment, so we did a quick ‘manual’ alignment with plates and tape measures. He even went as far as letting me borrow his personal tools so that I could finish the alignment at home (had to put some other parts back on it that I had left at home).

So all in all, Daryl went well above and beyond to make things right… even though he never did anything wrong in the first place, and it was 100% my fault. I have nothing but good things to say about Daryl and ASS. I’ve sent numerous co-workers there who have also been happy with his service.

i got defriended on fb, he must not have liked my HJ :Idiots

so i guess u owe Daryl an HJ!

pretty much. HJs everywhere!