Timing problems....

First off its a 95 dodge neon. 420a motor single overhead cam. Orgianally the head gasket was shot on the thing. ripped the motor apart replaced and reassembled. Timing belt had been taken off in the process and put back on. Car would not start, then i happened to notice there was a decent tear in the timing belt. So we tear the motor apart again in the car. Go step by step by a manuel bought at autozone. A bit confusing but after a few hours of messing around raising and lowering the motor we thoguht we had it. Check for spark we had it, put fresh gas in and there was gas pressure at the fuel rail. I have a feeling the timing is still off and i know there are a few people on here with neons. Any suggestions? any one else have a similar problem? Or maybe anything to make the job of timing this POS any easier that i may be over looking? Any advice will be greatly appreiciated.

Check all electrical connectors?

Maybe TPS or something dumb?

A friend and myself have looked over everything a few different times and everything seems to be connected. Im going to probably try and work ont he car again this weekend since i have been putting off for the past 2 months and i need this thing gone. but that will be the first thing to check over. But i still beleive tis the timing. Manuel got us confused and the motor and its postioning stressed us out= not doign right i beleive. But thanks for the advice!

This is a long shot but…if you have a torn timing belt there is a good chance the motor jumped timing. Now if that happened, I’d almost guarentee that your valves and pistons had a late night brawl with each other. I also guarentee if that happened the pistons won and your valves are bent to shit. If your valves are bent to shit, your motor will not run.

This is really basic, but are the timing marks lined up? You need to offset the marks when putting the belt on so when it tensions the marks will line up.

The timing gelt got torn from when we threw the motor back together after the head gasket. SO im hoping that would not be the case but it may be something to look at. Thanks!

I believe we tried this, but as mi was sitting here i just thought of how this would work a little bit better. Our main problem was get the cam 2 teeth to the left before TDC. Then we would go to the crank and line that up but then the Cam would end up moving. Thats where we ended up having problems. And with the motor in the car and pretty much no clearance between the fender and the motor, the motor has to go up and down to get to each one. But i think i will give another try. Thank you for giving me that inspiration

Anyone else have any other ideas? I know there are a few people on here with neons…