Timing questing

iv already done it…
mines way over… and it goes for a 240…but all the power is above 3k…
real power is between 3-5K with my timming up… so i duno… kinda sux off the line… but pulls in the higher rmp… i think my fuel filter is clogged?

Not entirely sure, but I thought advancing your timing results in power thru all rpm, noticeable differences for friends that have done it have been off the line… btw, do you know how much you advanced your timing? And how long have you been running with it advanced that much?

Another question. Advancing too much can ruin your engine. But can retarding too much ruin the engine as well? I don’t know why anyone would want to retard a great amount, but just curious.

Why would you want to retard at all unless you are turbo? You would be decreasing power by retarding and yes, going to far can also hurt your engine.

You’d have to REALLY retard it before you could damage your engine. You’d start to lose serious power before that happened.

Read the page philip posted … it made it very clear to me how the whole thing works.

Chris. Ill have to call you tomorrow, I don’t know when I am going to get my car back. Ill call you just before lunch

its pritty far over…
it was farther but i turned it back…
umm been running it for 8 months… no real problems or serouse sounds…
but even when the timming is correct it still is far over… like no where near the middle… i duno. im gona turn it down i still think its to far