Tintitng lights

I know this is like throwing a match in a tank of gas, but does anyone have any recomanadtion on how to tint taillights?

A few years ago there used to be a tint spray you could buy at CT, but they don’t seem to have anything like that anymore. Are there any other ways of getting blacked out lights, besides stick on tint film?


May I dissuade from doing something like this by arguing that you’re endangering yourself and every motorist on the road?

u canbuy tint spray at hobby shops and pac mall. but i agree with the other guy.

It’s an idea i’ve been toying with… I realise that it reduces visibility of my vehicle at night, another option i’m considering is the red tint, honestly i’m not too crazy about the orange signal in the taillights and would likke to loose it. I know a few people have painted the lights red and it looks sexy.

I’m open for suggetions.



i used stainglass window spray + uv resistant clearcoat

from CT right?

any advice? and did you do your rev. light as well?


if they did, there stupid, leave the REV. white!

i was actually thinking about doing this but then i realized i needed a heatgun to remove the taillights…now thats not what really stopped me but out of curiousity, how do you put the taillights back on the car, do you need to re-glue it on or something, or can you re-heat the original substance to stick the lights back on?

Peel off all that old shit it will end up leaking if it hasent already.

Just use Black Silicone when remounting.

Oh btw you dont need a eat gun, just slowly push from behind they will come out.

Make really sure you do use a good sealent that won’t get dry / crack.

Your trunk will get really wet and disgusting really fast if you don’t seal those lights back up properly.

what kind of sealant do you recommend?

i didnt take the lights off the car, i just masked the car and everything else off and painted them while on the car.
You have to do very light coats so it doesnt drip.

I used black acoustical sealent. Probabbly not the recommended choice but it acutally is working for me.

Might I suggest not tinting your yellow signal lights.

They’re yellow for a reason; a simple one as a fact. Ever notice it’s hard to discern a motorist’s actions when they’re signal lights are red and their brake lights are red also? Since they’re both red they’re reduced visibility of intent and mixed signals to other drivers can be given.

If your brake lights are red and signal lights are yellow, then they’res less problem discerning what the intent of said driver is.

Yea, i was thinking about this also, but while i was driving i was also looking at other cars taillights, to my surprise, a few cars have all red tails, for example: dodge carvans are all red, the new jettas and cavaliers. But yea, if we do tint them, we reduce visibility a lot more, while these cars were made that way. we’ll see how it works out, a friend of mine is doing it first, ill see how much visibility there is.

I am surprised that there is only one additional voice of dissent besides mine. This is a bad idea as far as safety goes. If that arguement doesn’t sway you how about this - you’ll probably get more attention from the fuzz.
Lastly, if you do it, don’t come on here bitching about getting a ticket or being in a rear-end collision of some sort. Now, I step off of my soapbox and go back to making fun of people.

tinting lights is stupid. Don’t do it DRE. Your tails look fine the way they are.

you can actually use this window stainner, but what most of those ppl use is some candyapple red model paint… i dunno mine came out just fine when i tinted my tails all red, i got pics if intrested.

^^^ let’s see the pics.


I saw this guy in a focus zx3 this morning on the way to work with his lights moulded completly into his hatch… i mean u couldn’t even see his lights unless he is breaking … some sort of black plastic that he moulded to his car so that there are no lines or anything…