Your turn single must be red, amber, or white, that all other then that you will get a ticket for it.
ok my tails are completely smoked, and i even asked an officer, cuz he pulled over someone in front of my house if they were illegal, and they’re not, and not only that, you can see them perfectly at night, they’re not as bright but they’re still bright enough not to be illegal
Hey Sven, wat kind of watch is that? If its Tommy Hilfigher, i got the same watch, ha sorry if its not relevant at all, just had to point it out.
im going to tint my lights tomorow i belive thanks for all the info u guys!! Word up s0n!
Edit: sry guys…now is the best way to mask it from the outside and drop some clear coat…or is the best way to go from the inside? and if so the inside…still clear coat? sorry bs q’s and all but i wanna get this done lol
honda guys do this mod all the time on their civics and accords, if u like the looks, go for it. For honda they simply pre heat the oven to around 230 degrees (not sure exactly) put the light in, (not sure how long but not long at all) take it out and just slowly sperate, and u can do the same thing to put them together. They do it all the time so ask a honda guy. If you loose brightness in ur lights buying new bulbs is a quick fix. You could probably go higher in watts 2 without causing any damage to wiring or blowing a fuse.
go to nissan and gt th seals
Well i did mine back before i put my car away…i have the ones from uras or whatever…anyways i dident buy the tinted ones so…i tinted them myself…i took off the cover for the lights…and sprayed inside of the covers with tint spray i got from a remote control store…i did about 3 coats maybe 2 i dont remember …and lightly sanded after the 1st coat…then siliconed them back together and then installed them…no leaks but they dont fit the greatest but its not to noticeable unless i point it out to you…anyways heres the picture i took of it finished=
opinions welcome …
Added night shot for fun i was bored…
has anyone done this to a s14 yet? i really liek it but i dont want to mess it up :@
wow i really frickin like that!!!
…a friend of mine blacked out his s10(yes the pick-up truck…) lights and he got pulled over. the cops searched his car for parts that might be stolen/illegal and stood there while they made him scratch off the paint with a screwdriver… so be carefull… your tails have to be RED by law.