Tire pressures.... how much is too much

I had those Firestones on my Explorer back in the day. Mine was one that the treads split apart while I was driving. The truck started to wobble really badly. It was awesome.

I always run 40 in everything,I’ve never had any suspension/wear problems.:gotme:

I wouldn’t be at all suprised. IF it was more than a dollar for fill up. My only concern would be if it was worth it with the prematuring wear of the tires.

with hyperfilling 1) less friction, and 2) larger circumference… I could see 1 to 2 mpg increase with normal tires, just from hyper filling.

I’m really getting tired of hearing all these cynics complaining about fuel prices and making every sacrifice in the world, all to save a FEW dollars a week. Seriously, if you can’t afford to drive, don’t drive.

Gotta love it when people who drive 10k miles a year take the time out to mod thier cars to get a few MPG at best… Many of these mods drop the resale value, reduce safety, and involve you driving dangerously slow at all time…


Send him this link too.

Those 46 psi tires are going to be tons of fun on a cold morning in the winter.

Plus I’m sure the guy just used air, so those 46 psi cold might turn into, what, 50 psi hot? Isn’t that going to strain the shit out of the cords? I’d be watching the sidwalls for bubbles at 45-50 psi all day every day.