Tire warehouse fucked up my wheels...what should I do??

I brought my car into the Tire warehouse on route 9 in clifton park near seymoures last friday to have two new rear tires mounted…

well, today I washed my car, and noticed the black powercoating is gouged out of my wheels and one of the wheels looks like it has curb rash all the way around it…I bought my wheels brand new, and Im anal about parking out from things that can curb up my wheels…

I dont have the receipt but im in their computer and im sure they will remember me since they spent half an hour looking at shit under my car and my hood.

Im pissed. I will post pics in a few.

thats sucks dude, hope it works out for you

sounds like they suck dick at mounting tires.

I go see Nick at Mavis to get my shit mounted

im getting ready to leave right now to go down there and chew someone’s ear off before I leave for my drive to myrtle at 2

the curb rash is alot more noticable in person then what my camera was picking up for some reason.

I cant fucking stand idiots that aren’t carefull. That could have been avoided. It’s a shame because you should have checked when they put them on. It’s going to be a tough case for you to prove.

thats a nasty chip

yea it really sucks that it happened, but IMO this should’ve been easily noticed immediately after install. You got one helluva battle on your hands.

That is pretty bad, go back and be calm at first, no one wants to help an asshole. See what they say and if they are not going to do
anything then raise hell

GL dude…

go back tell them what happened. talk to the manager and ask for him to pay for them to be fixed.

Id bring a shotgun with you just incase

Youre pretty much fucked.

Just got back from there…

first off, the reason why I didnt notice it to begin with, was because when I had the tires mounted, it was down pouring outside so I didnt look at the wheels or notice it…

also, Theirs 2 more chips I found that arent in the pics. Over all, theirs 4 big chips.

The guy was cool about it, but was talking to me like I didnt take automotive tech for 4 years and dont know anything about impact guns and tire mounting.

He was trying to explain that theirs no way a impact wrench could have did that, and someone with that deep of a gouge would have purposely hit the wheels with something. A impact wrench could have easily done it…all it takes is someone in a hurry to get wheels on, shoving the impact wrench in and not paying fully attention…for the socket to begin with, its a tight fit. He basically said he feels like it had nothing to do with them, and I said look…These wheels are brand new. I am the only one thats mounted them along with you guys and I was careful with what I was doing.

anyways, he is sending my invoice to the owner, and he’s going to contact me on what were going to do about it.

and when I was leaving a bunch of yahoo’s that work there were yelling for me to “smoke them” like seriously, stfu.

MOST of the curb rash I got out with mothers polish…im not worried about that. Its the chips that get to my bones.

thats what ya get for not callin me asshole ,i did it and didnt fuck em up…good luck wit them as they are tools

it was friday and you were mounting daves tire’s I believe and my wheels/tires were on the car which is why I didnt bother ya.

dont matter ,i would of stayed …besides it was just daves rims no car

shooda smoked em

srsly, this should get taken care of cause the owner has BANK.

he may have money but he is like you pete …cheap and dont cooperate

Yea you can def. tell that those chips were caused by either a socket that was too big for the rims or by someone being careless. Those aren’t just chips in the rim.

those chips got there from the impact slammin the rim when the nut got loose,its common when peeps dont pay attention