Stop making so many threads, just keep one going,

or cant you?

kinda like your women,
you work it for a little bit then drop it and start all over.
I mean its better than having your girl take the other girl and leave you with regreats and a pile of coke,

Fuck man if I had a cookie :cookie: for every pointless, rambling, self centered, thread you started id be another limp wristed lump of shit driving around in a 240 or an MR2. :greddy:

That is all… :moon:

why does everyone of your postes have to do with me or cheeky?.. but yah devin is ghey… got that right

cause you are like rotten meat

and im the vulture… :mmm:

lol…this is gonna be good:blue: …time to get a :beer: and sit back and watch the drama begin

efighting newwwbbbbb


waiting for devin drunk post?

ohh im sure he’ll be making his appearance shortly, cant wait…

i’m just here for the entertainment…dan ur here cuz most fast food places are closed




but there is always sheetz…plus he can hang out wit all the gay ricers that hang out there

ok so you got one good line on me. Time to get off my nuts.

don’t get all butt hurt dan…and trust me i don’t wanna be any where near ur nutz

well they do hang that low :kekegay:

i’ld rather be ridin low then riding LARGE like u…also u sure ur not thinkin of ur stomach ?

man u no0bs are fucking :bunryD:



no no thats ur dickeydo that hangs low

i’d think it be a better example to use motors…seein how he cant keep them goin either
