Titanium at this price???

check this out, once again ebay flaps its ugly head lol, this cant be real if it is must be super cheaply made, titanium catbacks go for over 800 easy

Looks like it might be stainless…

yea looks like stainless piping to a titanium muffler

Not sure you can weld Ti to Stainless…

seemed pritty shady when i seen it.

is it just me or does that not look like the Megan Racing design?

Looks like it is just a bare unpolished stainless canister with burnt tip and polished piping.

Looks like Stainless. You can weld the two, but it doesnt work well. That and the coating on stainless is toxic and gives off a HELUVA lot of fumes. Hospital visit anyone?

I’ve never heard of stainless having a coating. Are you sure you don’t mean galvanized?

took the words right out of my mouth. has to be a megan knockoff.


yeah cuz im dead from all the toxic fumes of welding stainless, no you cant weld stainless and titanium and get good results,

i dont know where you got the information stating that the fumes from stainless are toxic, consideering when you weld stainless the only fumes you actually get is from the sheilding gas and the impurities that get burned off the surface of the steel from being exposed to atmosphere, but no its not true

Okay, Ill ask allllllllllllllllllllllllllll the welders at the shop (machine shop, not speed shop) and ask why they refuse to weld stainless without the masks and fume hoods. Same goes for aluminum.

Your an idiot… breathing in welding fumes over ALONG time can cause lug damage yes… none of it is toxic to the point where it harms you instantly.

Yes we use exhaust fans and such to help deal with the smoke build up as smoke of any type is not good to breath in and when welding gav I will were a gasket because of the coating.

I think you need to learn your shit

Back on topic…

Although this is sketchy…

that’s not a MR exhaust (possibly a knock-off of the design though).

And, why would someone with 16,000+ ebay rating post something fake? He would be sacrificing his entire ebay reputation by risking his account being suspended for mis-marketing the products hes selling.

^ If the dude sells all bootleg shit, then who will buy it? Ricers.
Do Ricers know when they are getting something real or fake? No.
Will the ricers give the guy a good rating thinking they got a steal on a top notch product? Yes.

But who knows, it could be real. Only way to find out is buy it…

Not sure you can weld Ti to Stainless…[/quote]

its 2 piece isnt it?

Point taken. However, 16,000 sales and nobody notices? I could see if he was at 1000 or 2000 like most people selling garbage at reasonably high volume on ebay.

Anyway, like you said the only way to find out is to buy it. Or get someone who knows the metals well enough to say if its ti or stainless ;]

I am 100% sure that the product he is selling is NOT titanium. First of all, look at the price. And secondly, look at the picture, it clearly looks like it’s stainless steel. If you wanna know for sure. Just ask him how much the whole catback system weighs.

Marky, titanium isn’t much different in appearence than stainless. The price is obviously whats throwing us off if you READ THE THREAD! :slight_smile:

The weight is a good suggestion though, maybe someone should do that!

PS - I was just searching around, there are plenty of titanium catbacks for sale on ebay in the low 300 dollar range.

Online, there are even more. Unless they are ALL fake, this is completely believeable. (is that a word?)

I don’t find it too hard to believe that they’re all fake.