titans new scion TC

just ran 3 6.5’s at 215-216mph in vegas this friday and yesterday

pics? vid?


here is the pic gettin the vid now


there is the vid

that is a testing pass before the graphics. 6.44@218mph

dam,thats bad ass

What motor are they running?

thats a sweet paint job… 3D flames


it looks like camo flames… looks badass

sucks that they have to gay it up and call it a Scion.

Ive heard from some people right there beside em in the drag world. that it really is a chevy colbalt with scion tails/headlights. Shit man, this car is racing and isnt even lisenced.

Not licensed? No fuck. I know that everything underneath that body is one off, but they could have just as easily made it a “Supra”… But of course that wouldnt make much sense for corporate sponsors plugging a car that hasnt been made for almost a decade.

it is not either. the entire body has to be reshaped to make work with RWD and tube frame.

it is originally a scion body not a cobalt. actually I believe it is their all copper celica rebodied as a scion

wow thats more confusing than a DSM :eek:

here are some closer shots of the car from vegas with the graphics done:





yep your correct. :doh: :doh: