TMP Lapping anyone?

Definitely take it really easy if you’re not going to at least swap that fluid. It’s certainly collected moisture over the years (lowering the stock fluid’s already low boiling point for track use even more) and it’s a great “oh shit” moment when you go to grab the brakes at the end of that 110+mph straight, the fluid boils, and the pedal goes right to the floor.

When it happened to me in the GTO I was just lucky Dunnville was configured to not use all of the back straight. I went straight between the cones and managed to pump the brakes and haul it down.

How comfortable do you feel driving on the track? If you feel that you’re really going to beat the piss out of the car, I’d at minimum flush with new fluid and bring a cheap spare set of autozone pads with you to get home in an emergency if you cook them. I have c6c calipers so my spares won’t help. If you want, I can sell you a couple pints of motul rbf600 fluid if you can’t find it locally.

I just started uploading a decent reference video from TMP. I took it this spring in my 98 Vette:

You should change the brake fluid. With a helper it doesn’t take long. If my car will is ready for Friday I’m game. If not I’ll ride along with Stui. I have Hawk DTC 60 track pads that fit stock C5 calipers. Edit: We can take them along as a just-in-case, or you’re welcome to throw them in for the day. There is no sense in buying track pads if you’re only going once.

For an extra $30 Canadian we can always go over to the 1/4 mile drag strip after dusk and play around there too.

If you buy those pads from harvey, you can come to my place and I can help you install them and bleed your brakes free.

Looks like we will head up around 3. If anyone wants to join, feel free. If you’re interested in tracking and want to come ride along for some laps, that’s fine too

:bigtup: see you guys there

How’d it go?

awesome. @Harvey gave me some warm up laps in his coupe, from there I took my own turd out to get used to it. Lapping was good, almost nobody there, so we almost had the track to ourselves. I took a gamble and ran on my worn OEM pads with original black brake fluid and ending up cooking the brakes pretty good by the end of the day. Front pads were metal to metal on the way home, spongy pedal, but I made it. Definitely going to flush the system with a high quality race fluid and install some track pads before next outing. I also had some oil smoke when decelerating from very high revs so I need to look into that (possibly need to revise PCV setup). @stuiephoto did well too with only 1 minor excursion. All in all a fantastic evening. Definitely returning a couple more times this year, but I really need to address the braking issues before going back.

I took some snaps while there, will post them when I get home tonight. Had a GoPro video too with decent quality but the audio is crap - all wind noise. I am looking into retrofitting an external mic onto my Hero 1 (circa 2011 :confused: )

:bigtup: Awesome!

The only SnapChat’s I got from you were nudes…not V8 noises.


Friday night to sunday afternoon this weekend were a wild blur for me. I apologize for nothing

Good times were had. I still can’t believe how much of a difference headers and an intake make.

Ditto for race pads. Let’s go again soon.


This had been my experience as well when I would go with @bing 2 summers ago. :tup:

I need to get there at some point this year.

I am trying to get a couple of my friends not on here to go. ideally with a few weeks advance notice. would love to get a group from here as well. I think fridays are generally best…

Lonely lapping

  1. You touch your face a lot while driving.
  2. Your data was slightly ahead of the video. The green dot\speedometer is accelerating down the straight while you’re still in the turn. What software are you using to sync them? Dashware makes that really easy.

my junk. I need to smooth out my corner exit technique, but mashing the gas is so much fun

on to pics. Unknowingly left it in Aperture priority from whatever I was shooting last so they came out fuzzier than expected by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr

      • Updated - - - by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr

Note severe front brake dust by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr

Post mortem by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr

Cooked pads by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr

Corner exits slightly sideways on gravel will do that by Norbert Ogiba, on Flickr

Anyone record lap times?

Mike and John were hovering around 1:22s-1:23 I think. I didn’t directly time mine but from the video splits it looks like 1:28