To all my loyal customers: Thank you!

Thanks to everyone over the last 10 years who has thought of me for the Verizon needs. I will be taking a new position outside of the industry after the end of the month.

Thanks again to everyone!


Do we all still get to keep our free unlimited data plans?

yes, for a 1 time payment of $20

New industry with free upgrades!!!

I’ll take ten of them!

Good luck with your new endeavors Jeff.

Yeah man, GL with your new gig. What are you going to be doing?

:tup: spill the beans on the new position.

Good luck man!


I’m going to miss driving the 45 minutes to EA to get a new phone.

Congrats again bro.

I’ll be back at Ingram Micro doing business development for a company called Avad. They are a distributor specializing in custom residential and commercial audio, video, lighting, security & home automation. Pretty cool change of pace for me.

Congrats man, nice to see you getting back in with Ingram.

As short of a stay as it was for me, Ingram was by far the best employer ive ever had, and it seems like more and more people who leave end up going back. Hope you get a chance to grow with them.



Ingram seems to do shady shit long term maybe it’s just departments related to IT

I mean, its not like I have an allegiance to them or anything but the only thing I could say is that it seemed like they did make a few “tough business decisions” regarding the Buffalo office when the economy hit the shit. Outside that, everyone I know there understands they take care of you better than most any other western new york employers. I cant speak for IT but they did sort of come off as the unsung work horses of the company (but I guess thats common with IT right lol).


Congrats Jeff! :tup:

Nice dude! :tup:


Congrats man :tup:

It’s not limited to any department. I was there for 10 years and still have some friends that are there.
Ask them where my severance check is…since they used my arm surgery to push me out without severance just before they finalized layoffs (which they already announced were coming). LOL
My Senior Director and direct Supervisor even told HR they wanted me back and fought but the bean-counters see you as a statistic, not a person.

In any event, good luck in the new position. Avad should provide you with some interesting new opportunities and challenges. I’m sure you’ll do well man. :slight_smile: