To center-spool or not, that is the question.

Trans & tcase for my Galant VR4 are out for a rebuild. I’m going to move to the DSM 1st gear for strength but am debating a center spool. I hear such mixed things. Will it be really hard on other parts? Will it totally suck in parking lots and tighter AutoXs? Any of you guys run one?


I ran a welded center diff in my 1G which was my daily, and I don’t recommend it.

I never broke anything, but the tire skipping/parking lots/etc is enough for me to not really recommend it.

It’s more for big power guys who don’t want to shatter the 2-spider diff, or those looking to lock all 4 wheels. In a street application, a 4-spider is a much better, albeit pricier solution.
