to everyone who has sports "leagues" thru nyspeed

We can sponsor you guys, lemme talk it over with the bois

that would be cool. id be all for that

I’ve been negotiation the beer prices all season, not sure if they’re going to want to negotiate the fees now too, lol.


howie do you think we should make the subforum then? seems like theres decent interest for it?

Make a sub forum for insurance claims. For all the people that will get checked into boards, hit with softball bats, bowling balls dropped on toes, etc. etc.

For when we get sued. :slight_smile:

:lol: no one is gonna get sued! :slight_smile:

that’s what you say now… just wait.

how ya figure? everyone has to sign a waiver before playing lol plus just because we have “nyspeed” on our jerseys doesn’t mean the team is owned by nyspeed or somothing like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll just wait for the day I can say "told ya so " :slight_smile:

yeah, and knowing jays luck :lol:

Jay, you got hit with a road sign on the way home from picking up your car. I’m suprised that guy with the hat at the hockey game didn’t poke you in the eye or something when he threw it :lol:

whoa fugging unreal idea :tup:

kinda ot, but kinda not…

as far as the bowling league goes, is it just a bunch of guys that go for fun, or is it an actual recognized league by the alleys it’s held at? and if so, is it sanctioned? and final question, are there different sessions…possibly with a new one starting soon so i can get in on the action?

yes its a league, and yes its sanctioned. i am sure they have them at differernt times of the year.
the guys bowling now dont plan to in the summer.
summer = softball
winter = bowling

Thats what I thought too!!

It does happen. People are shady!!

zerodaze, is it a strictly nyspeed league? or is it a league run by the lanes that a bunch of nyspeed guys decided to join with teams of their own?

and i’d be down for a summer league…maybe some others would be too…

:tup: softball :tup: