To teach a man to fish...

I’m interested. :slight_smile:

p.s. I’ve wanted to teach basic paint restoration for awhile. I find most people here want to do that on their own, but they want to do it right. Very difficult to explain things via internet.

just found this now. OJT. is great.

I know alot and do all of my own work but i am far from a point where i wouldnt be able to learn plenty still so i voted yes. Also i like the idea of specific training classes ie. one for tuning one for motor assembly etc… RedGoober4Life i would for sure be interested in that as i know almost nothing of the subject and would like to.


if i was a newb i’d be all about this. Good idea Don, and i hope you can get this rolling. would be nice to have knowledgeable people around.





Sounds like a good idea, but be warned:

-Don’t be suprised if NYS shows up at your door, looking for certs, insurance (proof of, covering anyone in the building ect), ect,ect,ect,ect need i say more, ect,ect,ect, legal bullshit, ect,ect,ect,ect,ect, vtec, ect,ect.

Gotta be real careful with this sort of thing. A few years ago, an ad appeared in the local news, with someone offering “welding classes”. The person was qualified to teach (although did not have the certs from NYS). The “school” was not legit either (not a licensed NYS Private School). Well, needless to say, it did’nt work out. At all. The state shut that guy down faster than you can say shallow grave.
And, no, that preson was not me.

I’m not saying that this idea sucks or anything, just be careful. NYS sucks when it comes to shit like this.


Werd thanks for the heads up I wouldn’t have thought that would be a big deal but then again you never know till it happens huh.

If I run something like this it will be on like a club level. Not a full fleged school. Just a nice weekend of learning but I will take a serious approach to making a very educational lesson plan. Much like how AEM runs their training seminars for their EMS.

I would drive from roch for such things, fantastic idea!!

i guess i will be the first devils advocate here…

no problem, i dont think i will really be hurting anyones feelings.

in a perfect world, this is a great idea. but there are too many things to consider and not enough ways to control them. just an opinion.

i wish the best of luck to don and everyone who will try and get this off the ground, and i hope that this idea makes it past the stages of pizza-party/bbq/hangout and talk about cars feeling i am getting from it, and actually gets to a technical level.

also, there are people that know everything about someting, but because of the way their mind works they cant translate that to teach people. then there are those that can teach, because they “know” how to do something, but they dont have shit for technical credentials. i think this has to be taken into consideration

no need to tell me that i dont know shit etc, i know i dont know shit. and i know that there are certain aspects of this proposed idea that would benefit me, i just dont see all of the structure i think necessary…or at least what i would need, to make it worth my time/money.

hopefully what i am saying will be taken as constructive criticism and will be used to make the classes more efficient. good luck

Put down your glass of HATEORADE because that wouldnt happen due to the fact that Don would be running it.(no angry) Im sure he would be firm with a lesson plan and giving instruction. To the guys who dont think you know enough pssssh doubt it i mean ive build a complete racecar and i would still go as long as he offered an advanced class. The way i look at it is if you think he has more knowledge than you then you would benefit from the class.

i have some first hand knowledge of dons experience. Don is definitely not one to just “shoot the shit” about vehicles. he looks at them much differently then most people, and he has the ability to teach. He loves to share his knowledge as long as he is not disrespected or someone is wasting his time. A person as advanced and dedicated to a cause will find a way to get it done. I say go for it, whats the worst that could happen? most people hold back ideas, and comments, because they are afraid of the outcome. i say give this a fair chance and if anyone puts in 1/100 of the effort don is willing to put into, people will learn and in turn will make for a better understanding for many people.


i guess i will be the first devils advocate here…

no problem, i dont think i will really be hurting anyones feelings.

in a perfect world, this is a great idea. but there are too many things to consider and not enough ways to control them. just an opinion.

i wish the best of luck to don and everyone who will try and get this off the ground, and i hope that this idea makes it past the stages of pizza-party/bbq/hangout and talk about cars feeling i am getting from it, and actually gets to a technical level.

also, there are people that know everything about someting, but because of the way their mind works they cant translate that to teach people. then there are those that can teach, because they “know” how to do something, but they dont have shit for technical credentials. i think this has to be taken into consideration

no need to tell me that i dont know shit etc, i know i dont know shit. and i know that there are certain aspects of this proposed idea that would benefit me, i just dont see all of the structure i think necessary…or at least what i would need, to make it worth my time/money.

hopefully what i am saying will be taken as constructive criticism and will be used to make the classes more efficient. good luck



Thank you for the criticism. It is much more appreciated and respected than you may think. :slight_smile:

I agree with what your saying. I will say a few things about what you’re thinking that might help shed some light on it.

If I were to do this it would not be an accredited school. I would not claim to be an accredited teacher. I would however take it well past the pizza party/hangout/shoot the shit.

The main idea of it all is that I have years of experience of day in day out working with this stuff. Alot of people from this forum have been around me for many years and know how I am when they ask me questions. I go in depth as much as I can and explain things as many times and in many different ways until I can see that person gets it. I never get frustrated trying to explain something because once someone gets it to me that is the reward. There are no dumb questions in my opinion, only the ones that someone was too shy to ask.

I believe in giving someone more for their money. I know what it is like to work hard for your money and I am not one to just give it up for nothing. So if I were to offer something like this I would make sure to plan it out so that it was worth your time and money. Otherwise I would feel like a crook and my credibility would be in the trash.

Like I was saying if I offered this it would be on a club level basis. Not a full school. I would just like to help those who want to learn, learn. I don’t want to leave a sour taste in anyones mouth. I will not pretend to teach something I am not 100% confident that I know. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the thoughts though, these are all things I have been thinking about and if I do something with it I will take them into great consideration because like I said I don’t want to just take someones money without giving them something if not more for their dollar.


my only reservation would be driving out to buffalo.

but I think his instruction would be worth it - I know enough short of tearing apart a transmission to build/rebuild a car (owning several 951s will do that) I’ve just been lacking in motivation and a place to work on mine lately… maybe this would jumpstart that for me

:clap:sounds awsome…great idea don


ive seen this thread floating around the last couple days, and never opened it because i thought it had to do with fishing… :lol:


Werd thanks for the heads up I wouldn’t have thought that would be a big deal but then again you never know till it happens huh.

If I run something like this it will be on like a club level. Not a full fleged school. Just a nice weekend of learning but I will take a serious approach to making a very educational lesson plan. Much like how AEM runs their training seminars for their EMS.


Sounds like a good plan. A “club” type setup would be your best approach. No strings attached and what not.

anyway of getting an ASE certificate out of this (since youre qualified to teach)? and since i already have 1 yr credit in auto tech than one more year would qualify me.

if so im in and ill pay monies

but no Sundays, cause its against my beliefs to work on Sunday, maybe Wednesday?

you have to sign up for the ase’s and take them at a certain place. and you need proof of the time spent working…

well yeah you need to have 2 years of provable credit to be allowed to take the tests even, so if somehow his classes count as a year of auto tech. since hes qualified to teach (of course i doubt they will) then i wont have to pay to go to college


lol, :frowning:


oh no… :uhh:


well yeah you need to have 2 years of provable credit to be allowed to take the tests even, so if somehow his classes count as a year of auto tech. since hes qualified to teach (of course i doubt they will) then i wont have to pay to go to college


No, I said I’m over qualified by NYS standards to teach at a vocational school. Only thing I would need would be a certificate stating I meet the NYS standards and my license. I do not have that so this is not a school :stuck_out_tongue:

Also ASE exams are run by the ASE board. They are controlled tests that you have to pay to take in a controlled environment. I have nothing to do with that.


oh no… :uhh:


meh shit happens