To teach a man to fish...


Thats what im getting at, But has has only hinted at to how the classes may be set up and with having only 1, 8 hour class a week, I dont see how he can account for all those different aspects and knowledge levels unless he spaces them out a lot.


I was kinda hoping to do it on the weekends

saturday = 8 hours of theory and food

sunday = apply theory (think labs) and food

would any of this talk about turbo internals and what does what and all that good shit that i still dont understand?


would any of this talk about turbo internals and what does what and all that good shit that i still dont understand?




edit: btw it looks like gary said fuck yo couch


He doesn’t want to see me lose potential jobs in the future. Understandable.

word…im deff getting in on this…any idea on a price yet?

no but nominal for what it is. I have to make it worth my time.


He doesn’t want to see me lose potential jobs in the future. Understandable.


you’ll do this and a good majority of them will still come to you because they dont have the resources/tools that you have. they just have the knowledge so i don’t think thats really an issue


no but nominal for what it is. I have to make it worth my time.


Don’t sell your self short.

Don, I’ve got to say that this seems an interesting way to renew some of the enthusiast energy… at least in this little community.

Alot of the guys that have been around & made their cars fast/reliable/fun, are now moving on & “growing up”… leaving a new crop of enthusiast with half-finished & half-assed projects without the will or know how to make it otherwise.

What you’re proposing, tied in with you “popularity” here could go along ways to rectifying this.



Don, I’ve got to say that this seems an interesting way to renew some of the enthusiast energy… at least in this little community.

Alot of the guys that have been around & made their cars fast/reliable/fun, are now moving on & “growing up”… leaving a new crop of enthusiast with half-finished & half-assed projects without the will or know how to make it otherwise.

What you’re proposing, tied in with your “popularity” here could go along ways to rectifying this.



The first thing he should teach is to not buy half finished projects :stuck_out_tongue:

this sounds pretty good.

I voted NO only to piss off Don… and i don’t need no learninz!!!1

Oh stop, we all can learn something. You stop learning, you start dying.

sometimes you dont know the people around you at all. my brain hurts reading this thread.:shrug:

its fun to pick dons brain hes really smart. But nobody has the patience to deal with me when it comes to performance shit.

very noob class ftw and im in.

i think it would be hard to entertain those who know quite a bit but still stay basic for someone who knows like nothing at all (me) but i would love to know more about modding and general tech.

Can i get tutored. i know where you live:lolham:

I want to learn me an engine

i want to learn how to rebuild an old LD9 w/o spending money on parts.


Sounds like a good idea, but be warned:

-Don’t be suprised if NYS shows up at your door, looking for certs, insurance (proof of, covering anyone in the building ect), ect,ect,ect,ect need i say more, ect,ect,ect, legal bullshit, ect,ect,ect,ect,ect, vtec, ect,ect.

Gotta be real careful with this sort of thing. A few years ago, an ad appeared in the local news, with someone offering “welding classes”. The person was qualified to teach (although did not have the certs from NYS). The “school” was not legit either (not a licensed NYS Private School). Well, needless to say, it did’nt work out. At all. The state shut that guy down faster than you can say shallow grave.
And, no, that preson was not me.

I’m not saying that this idea sucks or anything, just be careful. NYS sucks when it comes to shit like this.

wait. what closed?? HC closed??


wait. what closed?? HC closed??


lol, :frowning:

definitely interested, i kind of lie on the bench racing side :frowning: