TODAY (7/17) 5:30pm: Ultimate Frisbee- Delaware Park

5:30 @ Delaware Park. Audios and myself are getting some people together, shirtz against skinzz- no pants style :tickle:

Pitlord is also in, Rubican’t and Lee are possibly showing up and 87FoxGT might come out later.

We need about 5 or 6 more guys so we can play 5 on 5. Late comers welcome.

All depending on whether or not the weather holds, but it looks like it should as of right now.

Rain has begun in Southern Erie… Just to let you know.

Ruined my MTB plans.

Sofa king pissed.

Delaware park… lame… if you pick me up I’ll go Pass my ass

i would so be down if my rotator cuff wasn’t fucked

edit: meh… who knows… i might still be down

edit 2: meh… LOTS of rain comin… so who knows

in. rain or shine.

so long as I get out of goodyear on time. shouldn’t take too long…but judging by my tire wear me thinks it is gonna be slighty more “dialing it in”

I planned to be early but worst case is I am there right @ 5 30.

c’mon people…get off your asses, lets throw the bee.


c’mon people…get off your asses, lets throw the bee.


Seriously. What’s wrong with a little bit of rain?

ILC, I can pick you up, but you’d have to find a ride home :stuck_out_tongue:

bump for tommorow evening, but not at deleware park. instead it will be at the park that is down the street from my house, right off main st. if you want to play PM me. lets say we start at 6

most likely cancelling this and moving it to friday. too many people have contacted me to say they cant make it.

the idea is to try and get a consistent game going. mondays and fridays? 3 people showing up here or there, and having 7 people be maybes isnt going to cut it.

so we will try for this friday instead

Damnit, I can’t play Friday either. I’m leaving for the thousand islands at like 2 on Fri.