Today I finallly found out my smoking issue

After all these months of stress of wondering why my truck has been looking like a Diesel in the upper RPMS. Well today i came to realize what the culprit was. when i pulled the 6.0/60e out of the truck today and went to seperate the trans. i noticed my T fitting off the vaccum line that goes to the fuel regualtor and the N20 regulator was swapped around. so in this case my fuel regulator was pulling vaccum thru a N20 jet instead of strickly thru a vaccum line. so it had to pull thru a .042 jet which incease my fuel psi from 58 to something way above that. which makes total sense why the truck would always fall flat on its face in the high upper rpms and why it would just be so rich it was a joke and same reason why i seen blue smoke from time to time. it was just washing down the walls with fuel so some oil was being burned in the combustion chamber.

well knowing that now its dissappointing that the 6.0/60e combo has lived its life and now is gone. and realizing it never did get to its full potential is a pure dissapointment but also at same time its something to think about on how it did perform for having such an issue of that nature. hell 12.59 with my fuel issues being like that makes one to think what did that setup realy have in it

ohwell now on to much larger things for 07

Sounds cool that you found the problem. Nice numbers even with having issues.

hell 12.59 with my fuel issues being like that makes one to think what did that setup realy have in it

damn dude…that could have been a serious combination…only makes me wonder now how much more bad ass that 408 will be.

not as fast as it could be since he’s gonna us a stick

stil lgoing to be strong with a 6speed, shifting wont be an issue just getting the truck to hook with a stick will be more challenging, which ill leave up to 1st try to set up the suspension or build the suspension

tahoe swap?

your saying you had cylinder wash down at 4k plus rpms? :nuts:

that just shows how much of a freak setup that was then,i its nuts that you run that good w/ that gay ass problem, its a shame you couldnt set it up rite and spray it one more time before you part it out

though, i will eb enjoying those lovely heads just fine :bigthumb:

yea tell me about it, and as fro the heads they will be avaible come this weekend. then its time to get the new heads to machine shop, springs orderd and get the new cam made

maybe 12.50

dick head!!!

how do you think us guys feel that have to sit next to ur pipes in the staging lanes?:beer:

i hate it when i’m next to a loud car lol… i cant hear my car and its not all that quiet


shut up you whine just like your super charger

um i dont care