Because i have been passed on the hwy by people doing 160, 220 and its not even half as fast or scary.

I herd the supercharger while my passenger window was slightly down. The speed the car passed me by was so quick that the Mercedes almost nicked my car as the air turbulence pulled his car towards mine while he entered towards my rear and pushed my car away as the car left.

Unless I have a radar gun? lol

No thanks, I rely on myself when it comes to accuracy, just like how people can cruise on a manual car and know how fast they are driving, with experience.

If you didn’t know already, radar guns are never 100% accurate just like speedometers.

I know the car was going 300km or close to this speed, because it’s not common for a car to pass you and disappear within few seconds, maybe you should get someone to pass you at that speed, and then you’ll understand what im talking about.

I know it was and E55. As I mentioned before I caught a glimpse of its rear while it disappeared, and I also know people who like high speed runs buy AMG Mercedes or M5’s.

Sorry I brought it up. It always seems that there are people who can’t believe anything.

I won’t comment on the rest of your questions, although I can give you a simple answer. What happened on hwy7, the bust, was not legal in many ways. It’s called BENDING the rules. Everyone does it for a greater outcome.

thanks and have a good one.