Tokyo '08

Hi People

I am booked to Tokyo for July 12th. I’ll be there until 16th - supreem’s staying until 20th. If anyone else here is interested in going, I can help you guys book hotels, and show you some key places around the city since I’ll be there anyways. Not looking to make any cash out of it - you go - you pay your own way - I can just help with getting stuff done. I found 1 more person that seemed interested so far. The more the merrier lol

If interested, please pm.

You can also check out the very brief Japan section thread at our club page:

So far going:

  1. me (s1495)
  2. supreem (from

We got flights & hotels booked already… last call for anyone interested - 24 days remaining…

q’s re: visa
no visa necessary up to 3 months - just need a passport…