
I’ve never seen that much snow before in person. shit’s bananas

Don’t complain. You’ve never had to deal with this;

That’s from my Grandmothers in Depew a few years ago. The snow was over the top of that Chevy Corsica completely burying it. I made that path with a shovel because the snow was too high to walk to the garage to get the snowblower.

that’s retarded.

lol. Bing, waist high snow is a regular thing here.

gettin my money’s worth :slight_smile:

i cant beleive the front lip didnt break off on the thing today… i was plowing so hard down my street… took 3 tries to break through onto the main road and at least 4 minutes to get of the driveway properly

Awesome. Why doesn’t DMCC hold a winter event? :slight_smile:

There has been some winter driving events at TMP recently.

also, auto-start on a 5-spd for the win.

I did this to my old car. Left it in reverse one time when I started the car from inside work without looking and 10 minutes later I walked out to my car trying to back itself over a pile of snow and into a fucking creek.

This is why I haven’t gotten a car starter. I sure out of habit it will end up in gear.

the auto start shouldnt work if you have it in gear.

Depends on what kind of jackass installed it

lol. I had someone who worked at Best Buy do it. He said that adding the neutral switch would be a pain in the ass on an older car.

This was at Best Buy, or someone who worked there did it on the side? Can’t believe Best Buy would take the huge legal risk of doing that.

Side. Best Buy’s policy won’t let them do manual vehicles. I think someone mentioned a state law about it as well, but not positive.

Most employees don’t care about legal risks for their employer

The car managed to actually staying running in gear?

No. When the starter doesn’t work, it waits like 10 seconds and tries again. So it just kept trying for a few seconds at a time.
