Snow Crap

I hate how big the Media and people always seems to make these “SNOW STORMS” out to be, hell a coupple hours a go they were saying up to 35mm of snow in Mississauga and now they are like ummmm well MAYBE 10-15cm. Im sorry but unless we are going to endup like the parts of the US getting fucked at the moment they should not make it seem like a big ass possiable disaster thing.

they’re calling for 40-70cm’s in the hammer.

70cm’s = 2.3ft :-o

i talked to my sister who’s in brantford. She says they’ve got about 15-20cm sofar.

nothing really sofar downtown T.O.

we got pretty cranked here in Stoney Creek/Hamilton. Easy 2 feet with drifts doubling that if not more. You guys got lucky out oakville missisauga way.

man i had a good foot in milton today…being just below the escarpement we get alot of wind, and well some of the snow drifts were up to my waist…and im 6’2

i just looked out in my driveway and theres prolly 2 feet of snow.

guelph got a foot or so

Lots of snow! I’m still tired from shoveling my driveway.

I live at the skinniest area of land between the mountain and the lake, the snow dumped here was nuts… I woke up this morning, started the work van up and about to leave for work (park on the road, was going to shovel when I got home) when I saw my little old lady next door shoveling her driveway. I finished it for her and went to work. Got sent home from work and helped my other neighbor shovel her driveway (doublewide too…) then came in, had some breakfast, took a 1.5 hour nap and then tackled my own driveway.

Finished it up and touched up both neighbors driveways again before I went out for a nice little “cruise” in the coupe.

I wish my massage and chiropractor appointment was tonight…

ya grimsby got it pretty good i drove home last night from oakville around 10 and it took me an hour an 45 min to get home when it usally takes me 25 min and going up the hill on mountain road i had to go up it sideways because there was about half a foot of snow and then about 2-3 feet in my driveway, and this morning my dad took the suburban down a sideroad near my place and was driving through snow banks up to the hood of the truck