Let it snow!

bahahaha This week looks like its going to be good…

Hopefully the weather doesn’t panzy out like last time and we actually get a bunch…

My reading week this week too…going to make the best of it!



Looks like shit. You will not see 1/4 of that, and what you see will barely stick.

geez so negative

That’s just how the snow falls in Onterrible. This late in February last year snowboarding, there was no fresh pow from here on on out on a “decent” year. After seeing many calls for 10cm’s of pow and seeing nothing time and time again, you develop a penchant for realistically determining the forecast in southern Onterrible.

Remeber the last call for 15cm’s? Was there even 1cm? Mother Nature hates the Olympics in Canada.

Fuck snow!! it can go far far away!!..I have things I need to do, and I only have a driveway to do them in!!

Snow is just bad in the GTA…go north and there’s tons.

Muskoka is PACKED with snow.

conditions yesterday were great for boarding. around 8 or 9 it started getting icey though

yes was out in collingwood this weekend, although it was melting there is a shit load of snow there. Go hit the hills at blue, $40 lift ticket for college/uni. students !

faaaaaaawk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and your thread

im on vacation for the next two weeks i dont want snow… and i wana drive my 240 already

I strapped in back in the Forum 8 days when it was not cool to snowboard. Back when skiiers would talk smack, start fights, and be assholes because you rode a snowboard. I HATE what snowboarding is for the most part today, and I REALLY HATE college week, which is mostly rich spoiled piecies of shit riding at Blue while staying at their parents 500K cottage. The types that board because it’s cool, not for the love it, or how far it has come, no respect for the people that made sacrifices to get it to where it is today. They all have the most expensive gear, and can’t even ride down the damn hill, let alone think about switch. They’re rude, obnoxious, and I can’t help but spray them all.

I’m going off on a rant here. Louis >Blue

u really have to go skiing or snowboarding, just went last night to huntville’s ski hill for the first time, and had the best time of my life, tryed boarding for a 3 hours and ate shit haaaard a couple times still love then tryed some snow skates and flew down the hill so fucken fast. omg i’m fucken hooked.
it should snow hardcore all winter. dam hill hard this man made shit and was all icy but the little patches of fresh pow was amazing.

i totally get what all the hype is all about. fucken expensive but man when ur on the hill u could care less. btw 53 for a night pass and rentals. but the feeling is worth a million bucks, plus snow bunnies!

i suck at snowboarding, but i have some expensive gear. that doesnt mean im a spoiled asshole…

Ont ticket prices are insane…

I was at Lake Louise yesterday for a nice cruising day and my tickets are $50 flat for the day.

I believe Ont ski places should be half of what they currently are. I was shocked and felt raped when I was back in Ont early Jan and had to pay $75 to ride Blue…wtf?

P.S. Louise had some nice freshies in the back bowls. :wink:

“I got a New Burton, so I’m better than you, because I got a Burton and you don’t”
/falls down shortly after.

Go to hit a jump and there’s a family filming their kid rub the lip down, “Look at our little girl, she’s a star”

At Dagmar dropping in the jump line, so for those that ride there you know you have to bomb it to hit the bigger jumps, only to hit 80KM and have a kid that can’t ride hanging out, cutting back and forth on the DROP IN to an XL jump. If I can’t stop, I will put the kid in the hospital at that speed, no questions asked…But I have to hurt myself st times to not hurt someone that doesn’t belong on that terrain.

When I say expensive gear I am talking:

600+ board
275+ bindings
200+ boots
250+ jacket
250+ snow pants
200+ googles
100 gloves

Kid can’t ride down a hill AT ALL. And that same kid last year while I was getting a chair jumped on the
chair while the chair was coming around. So what did I have to do? I had to fucking dive! Clearly a newb on the hill.

I knew a few shop guys and when they see the Asians come in they see $$$$ because they are all about status and face. Not even on the hill yet for the first time and they will buy the store out. Can’t blame the shops., but Christ…they’re dangerous on the hills. I hate having to crash to not murder them at times because they don’t look.

I agree, people that don’t foresee who’s path they are about to be in are the fucking worst.

hey apparently blue is the best in ontario, but i know the pain 75$ a lift ticket is outrageous. I just buy a pass before season at 170$, its not bad

can u get a pass with rentals?

Fuck snow… I want summer again.

well i had fun on my way home from school today

can u get a pass with rentals?
what do you mean ? Its a season pass ?