
doubt anyone will be moving fast enough to do that.
holy fuck its snowing have to do 20km/h!

LMAOOOOOO. love this shit. “i got this shit” lollll

Love the trollface for the news reporter… i’ll never look at them the same now
Too bad breakfast television, i enjoyed your tropicana sponsored morning goodness

waiting on the snow


LOL awesome

i have a huge presentation coming up tomorrow and id kill for another week to prep.


i thought this snow was supposed to hit this afternoon, i still have barely seen a flake

if you go to sheridan your in luck

nah, from 12am to 12pm i heard

Seneca, still no word as of yet.

I’m waiting on that one also.

so far humber, centennial and sheridan.

I literally lol… lol

WOOOOOO!!! Seneca is closed Ciaran!!!


i just saw that also

now i can whip snowballs at neighbourhood kids and run away when i break their faces! yes!

I have an essay due Thursday, wish this snow storm came a day later


squalled up above my waist on my front porch this morning… i’ve been shovelling for a half hour… need a break.

the worst part is knowing you have to come back home and do it all over again afterwards.