Too good to be a baristas at Starbucks? Be one at McDonalds!

I knew this was gonna happen…

Hey- it will be cheaper then Starbucks!

carefull, i hear that the calories go straight to your ankles…

MCD: up $12 in the last yr :tup:

Is this about the McCafe? If so, They already have a few in Raleigh, NC that I saw when I was down there. I didnt go in though. IMO, I dont think they will last.


haha you poor guys, realize i’m getting married and I don’t care what the fattest (zwarbyt) and ugliest (newman) guys on NYSpeed have to say… :slight_smile:

McCafe has been around for a while but this is “expanding” the drinks…they will probably be full of calories…we’ll see…



yeah… ok.

i think the market got hotter with you off of it.

lulz yer anklez ar fat lulz


lol you guys are complete morons…fyi

you do know she is skinny right???

jackasses <3

Fixed. :wink:

J/K btw, before KrazyJon hacks by bank account. :lol:

i lol’d

Carolina1Bound23: thats so fucking rude
[15:12] Carolina1Bound23: seriously
[15:12] Carolina1Bound23: fucking edit
[15:12] sprocketbash411: i didn’t mean it in a mean way
[15:12] Carolina1Bound23: well
[15:12] Carolina1Bound23: its rude
[15:12] sprocketbash411: you just have big legs
[15:12] Carolina1Bound23: im a dancer
[15:12] Carolina1Bound23: seriously i am offended
[15:12] sprocketbash411: haha, why?
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: edit it
[15:13] sprocketbash411: it’s like calling me short?
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: no
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: its like something i hate
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: im thin
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: but i have dancer legs
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: i cant help it
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: im upset and its a big issue
[15:13] Carolina1Bound23: :frowning:
[15:14] sprocketbash411: fiiiine
[15:14] Carolina1Bound23: you seriously made me cry. im not kidding.
[15:14] Carolina1Bound23: all i work out is my legs
[15:18] Carolina1Bound23: i know its my only issue with myself. i can’t help it.

Oh jesus. Please don’t take mine that seriously.

don’t worry - jon is away from his computer today…doing work…unlike all of you…so he can buy me diamonds…

but according to this thread…

i’m going to go cry because apparently i’m never going to have a boyfriend. my life is over. i also hate myself for being a dancer for 18 years…god why do my legs have to be so strong? i hate life…i’m going to be a stripper and hang from poles…

for the record- i don’t eat mcdonalds myself…i’m far toooo skinny for that.

EDIT: THANK YOU NEWMAN! YOUR RIGHT - I AM A DANCER! :slight_smile: Actually, just ballet now…but still :slight_smile: I <3 dance. But know - I could kick your ass with my legs…:slight_smile:




lol. if i wasn’t so busy, i’m sure i could dig up the aim log where you expressed great interest in getting fucked by your’s truly.

roundhouse kick to the FACE?

i’d be scuuured