Top 10 auto repairs better left to professionals.

According to Jalopnik

Ten Car Repairs Better Left To Professionals

10.) Changing A Clutch

9.) Repairing Or Recharging An Air Conditioner

8.) Working With Or Around Airbags

7.) Replacing A Windshield

6.) Rebuilding A Differential

5.) Body Work

4.) Mounting And Balancing Tires

3.) Repairing An Automatic Transmission

2.) Straightening A Frame



Agree? Disagree? Discuss.

Agree 100%.

I don’t see whats so hard about recharging an air conditioner… straightening a frame I agree with.

I just did 6 today.

I think a differential is by far the easiest mechanical component on a car to rebuild. Maybe because people have to get over the smell.

The frame rack is right outside of my office at work, I usually hang around and get some tips, been learning a lot about that and body work the past few months. Shit is a pain in the ass some times

mounting and balancing is easy, given you have the equipment.

a/c is a cake walk all though most require a licence to use

i agree with the rest

I agree with some of it. Does anyone really DIY automatic transmissions??

If you’re into modern vehicle maintenance and repair at all, that means you’re into “electrics”.

I’ve DIYed an auto in a controlled environment… never would on my own

i have a freind that can do it. id like to try it if i ever get a chance

Must make me a master tech because i’ve done all that.

Who writes these damn polls anyway

They should do a list specifically for women but I’m not sure the internet has that kind storage capacity.

i dont agree with the clutch or ac , the others for the most part yeah , and i would never do a windshield , thats what glass on my insurance is for .

Don’t agree with most of it, done all of them except for 3 :lol

I’ve done six. Wasn’t happy about three of them though lol.

The only things I wouldn’t do on the list are frame straightening (lack of equipment) and body work (I’m just to lazy to put in the effort to make it look good). All the other stuff is just fine, auto trans could be a problem depending on how messed up it is.

wiring is the number 1 most annoying thing for me when doing audio systems. I always seem to get into them after another shop or somone without the knowledge completely made a mess or everything

I get a boner with wiring :rofl

+1 to that. I’ve done all of them. Usually half of them on a weekly basis.

do all but auto trans