Top 5 Hated Bands?

I have to disagree with you on that…

Thats your right.

Too bad you are wrong. He has no lyrical talent to speak of. I love is rapping style…you know the one where he rhymes the same word.
His lyrics are so elementary, its pathetic.

ehh, ludacris, he can be on for like 2 bars at a time and be really funny. most the time though, he’s whack.

Meh its all in peoples opinions…i just hate when people hate on other people for the kind of music they like…i know all of us here just mess around making fun of whatever but there are people that seriousl hater people cause of the music they like…New Kids on the Block FTW

Meh, he’s a funny fuck, you have to look at it like that.

I don’t take rap very seriously, i’ve given up on it.

Hip Hop - true hip hop, will hopefully always prevail.

Fuck all you NKOTB haters. Joey is hot!!!

Yeah Ludacris can be kinda funny at times. But usually at the end of the song I am just annoyed. I also can’t stand Ja Rule. I met him a few years ago and he was the biggest asshole. He was also 5’ 3" or something. LL Cool J was actually pretty cool though.

btw, what if you didn’t listen to the radio and still liked a song but it was overplayed on the radio?

Like, I loved kelly clarkston’s song “since you been gone”

i didn’t even know it was her for a while

I never listened to the radio - i have Xm and it’s on opie and anthony, or ESPN all the time.

I Almost spit my TRIDENT onto my monitor …PS the Hangin’ Tough album has its own special spot in my CD case for those Mighty Meet emergencies

Special spot for the CD? pppsssssshh!!!:roll2: I have the official pillow.

(not actually true, but I knew a girl in 5th grade who did have a New Kids pillow)

I know what you are saying. I liked Gold Digger when I heard it on XM. Then it was played over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over on regular radio.

i hate emo/ pre emo / post emo / screamo / kemo / after hardcore pre flop emo

all that stupid bullshit

mine is next to my joey barbie in my basement. :eek:

Honestly, if Pearl Jam sang about Jesus, they would be Creed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate Pearl Jam because they created 10 years of imitators with Eddie Vedder’s mush-mouth singing style… Creed and Silverchair are the two most blatent ones.

mahtus mahu < no i dea if thats how you spell it but thats how i sounded it out i dont fuck a fuck how you fucking fuck it cuz it fucking fucks. definatley a kitten killer.

  1. Metallica (Napster, crying theivery, what do they have to cry about)
  2. Rolling Stones (seriously overrated, seriously old, possibly the worst Super Bowl halftime show of all time)
  3. Ja Rule (all talk, no show, 50 cent feud proved that)
  4. Black Eyed Peas (crappy songs, attempts at political commentary were laughable, Best Buy commericals)
  5. David Banner (whispering is not rapping, you no talent asslcown, your music sucks)

I hate certain genres, but I’m not going to hate the musicians that are in them because they’re successful and out there

Also Buffalo radio sucks, if you want decent (as in for free, no satellite, mp3s, cds, etc) stuff, listen to 102.1 (Edge in toronto), 97.7 (Rock station in St. Catherines), well I think even Wild now is better than Kiss.

  2. fall out boy
  3. nickleback
  4. simple plan
  5. green day
  6. U2
  7. 99% of rap
  8. 100% of country
  9. ozzy and black sabbath

Good call…I forgot about him.

Yes to everything but the metallica. Dude honestly you cant say metallica is one of your top hated bands ever.
Thats just crazy talk man…haha

Ok I listened to some Matisyahu today. WTF? Why does he think he’s Jamaican? Every song got me more and more pissed.

i’m bringing this back because it is 2009 now and i’m sure there are a hell of a lot of more bands to add to this list.

Fall Out Boy
Norma Jean
Say Anything