On the plus side I’m now glad I’ve been buying these episodes one at a time vs the entire season…
Uh oh…
Sounds like Clarkson is pretty sure he’s done there:
Longer cut:
Pier’s Morgan writes about the recent suspension… and it’s really not what you’d expect:
‘Morgan,’ he sighed, ‘I’m going through a difficult divorce, my first ex-wife has also came out of the woodwork to give me hell, I’m smoking too much, drinking too much, my back hurts, I’m all over the papers with this N-word scandal, I’m at war with my BBC bosses, and my mother has just died. I simply don’t have the energy for you any more.’
‘I’m actually relieved,’ I replied, ‘because I’ve run out of vile epithets in the English language to deploy about you. There are only so many ways I can call you a fat, useless ****.’
Then we both roared with laughter, and ordered another round of drinks.
The most surprising bit of that article is that clarkson rode a bicycle to the bar.
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It is thought Clarkson may sign for American network Netflix, which is becoming increasingly popular with global TV audiences.
Set to be fired tomorrow from the BBC though…
Hopefully May and Hammond bail as well.
Fucking Tanner Foust ruining it for everyone
Maybe my prediction of “More Power” on ITV with all 3 will come true.
The other 2 should leave and they make their own show…Final Gear
Agreed. I can’t see how any network wouldn’t want to pick these guys up.
Well Hammond and May’s contracts also expire at the end of March so if they all want to leave it is an option.
I’ve love nothing better than to see the show get a reboot on another network with Clarkson, Hammond and May. The show has been on the decline the last few years as the current producers have turned the hosts into over the top caricatures of themselves. It’s been no secret that the hosts and producers have been at odds the last few seasons. A new network that cedes more control to Clarkson is just what the show needs.
Hammond and May have already said they won’t do the show without Clarkson, and all of their contracts are up at the end of this season.
Exactly…and on the plus side they’ll have to make a new track and bring back every car they ran at the old track.
I’m pretty sure they said they wouldn’t do the show while this short inquiry was going on without Clarkson. That’s not the same as saying now that he’s fired they’re permanently walking away.
They could recreate the track somewhere else. All the dimensions are know and people have been driving a virtual Top Gear test track for years in video games.
Clarkson has been terminated from the BBC.
Fuck that. End of an era…
I’m sure they’ll all end up together again at some point, but this sucks.