I don’t hate him, but I guess we’ll see. No word yet who’s going to be co-hosting.
After swearing up and down that he would never, ever take Jeremy Clarkon’s place on Top Gear, the BBC officially announced today that Ferrari-loving TV presenter Chris Evans will take Jeremy Clarkson’s place on Top Gear.
The BBC says Evans has signed a three-year deal to lead the show, which he called his “favourite programme of all time.” (They spell things funny in England.)
“I promise I will do everything I possibly can to respect what has gone on before and take the show forward,” he added.
I’ve tried to get into 5th gear and I just can’t for some reason??? I start to watch an episode and just loose interest halfway through, I don’t know???
You shut your whore mouth!!! I’d rather jump off the Skyway wearing a cement parachute then watch the American Top Gear. I’d rather watch scrambled porn then a replacement Clarkson/May/Hammond
Evans, announced as Jeremy Clarkson’s replacement on Tuesday, earlier said the show would star at least one woman, chosen not “for the sake of it” but because of their passion for cars.
Oh BBC, I can’t wait to see how badly you fuck up this relaunch. I’d be upset if it didn’t sound so likely that Clarkson/Hammond/May are going to get to do the Top Gear they always wanted on Netflix.
He added: “You’ve got to know something about cars - you can be a mechanic, you can be an amateur racing driver, you can be a guy who’s a fireman but has been building his own Land Rover in his shed for five or 10 years… but you’ve got to know about cars.”
^At least if they’re true to that they’ll be one step ahead of Top Gear US. Adam doesn’t know anything and my 8 year old is a better driver than Rutledge Wood.
Damn, Chris Harris is a great move but it’s going to be impossible for this group to have the same feeling of connection the way Jeremy/James/Richard had.
Chris Evans’s Top Gear has been struck a blow with the departure of executive producer Lisa Clark less than five months after being brought in to lead the relaunch of the hit BBC motoring show.
I’m not saying that chris evan’s is a lost cause but i dont know or care who he is anyways…
the fact that hey have Chris Harris on board tells me they are taking this show very seriously and did quite a bit of research and are trying to appeal to people who give a shit first… when people in the know care and approve it will give the show credibility which will help toward mass appeal.
also, Lamborghini can now STFU… Chris Harris is maybe not as presentable as the other top gear guys but he has just as strong a journalistic background as they did when they came on and is far better of a driver than the prior regime.
i would check it out to see Chris Harris, but I can do that on Youtube now without having to see that ugly ginger dude & the dyke. I’ll be on Amazon Prime watching the GOAT car show dudes.