Top speed run ends very badly for some idiots

So…who’s all doin some highway pulls this year?? lol

Oak tree seems to have come out of it pretty well.

Tree > German engineering

Notice this from the article

The 2008 BMW was split in two in the wreck, which happened at 3:45 a.m., said Lt. Mike Burroughs, a spokesman for the Florida Highway Patrol Troop B.

I’m sure there wasn’t much lights other than their headlights either.
And was drinking involved?

Yeah that’s the first thing that caught my eye, why would you do something like this (sober at least) at 3:45 in the morning? Unbelievable…

The engine block of the BMW was completely dislodged and wreckage from the car was found over a 200-square-foot area, the FHP spokesman said.

20x10? Thats a standard parking space. :bloated:

Someone doesnt understand area.

“The engine block of the BMW was completely dislodged and wreckage from the car was found over a 200-square-foot area”

“It was not known if the victims were wearing seat belts”

hmm, dont really think it would have mattered

omg, german cars fit in a standard parking space ? no wai ! lol

i saw that, i assumed they ment something like 200ft x 200ft

and i love how in every wreck like this, the news feels like its something amazing that the engine broke free of the vehical. theres realy only like 6 or 8 bolts used to hold that 1000lbs of engine and tranny in place. OF COURSE IT BROKE FREE!

WTF how can u tell by that???

if it was not for the article i would not have even known that, that pile was once a car

MPD knows his german cars I am confident he is right :slight_smile:

that sucks

ding ding ding, tell him what he wins…

The article from the Ocala webpage side it was an 08 M5

I got into an accident with my girlfriend sitting passenger. She was injured as well as I was. My insurance covered all her medical bills and gave her a settlement to stop her from sueing my insurance company. That’s what insurance does. It covers people’s medical bills in other cars as well as the passengers in your car.

So that whole it’s the passengers own responsibility for driving with a stupid driver thing goes out the window.

Chute must not have opened

dibs on motor/tranny and maybe seats?

its 21 when your parents have no liability over you anymore, so unless the driver was over 21; then his parents are still responsible for those kids deaths by their child acting like a idiot.

How easily do guts clean off leather? hmm the smell might be more of a factor.

Honestly the passengers shouldn’t sue. If my kid was dumb enough to get into a car with a moron at the wheel, then well I can’t claim that my genes don’t carry the capability of a darwin award in them.

Would it be in bad taste to have a bar-b-q and then during dinner brag about how my kid flew further than the others?

I joke, I’m sure I would be pretty devastated. But I have learned to accept tragedy as inevitable. I would be more upset if someone else hit my kids car then if he was doing stupid in one. I mean how am I gonna blame someone else because my kid was stupid enough to be in the car with their genious.

Who is more foolish the fool or the fool who follows him.

only in top gear, my m3 can supposidly do ~170 in 5th…

Waste of a nice car. Stupid kids with stupid parents… If you want to buy your kids a nice car get them something slow cause kids will do stupid things 100000% of the time. I had an 87 bronco, i jumped train tracks in it… Looking back that was stupid but i was only doing like 35. Had i been behind the wheel of an m5 im not sure i would be dead but the car would most likely had some tickets at least.

this may open up a can of worms… but this is a perfect reason as to why parents should NOT be letting their kids have nice cars like this… i dont care how well they act like their an adult, they still have WAY more growing up to do… a car with that kind of capability is tough to handle by a grown adult twice their age… so sad actually, they were dumb, but no one deserves to go out like that