Toronto Motorsports Park (Cayuga) April 4 & 5

i called today , there is a test and tune day this saturday at 11am-5pm, might be going if i have my tires

friggin rules keep changing…13.99 now! geez

It has been 13.99 for the past few years I’ve been going… Sometimes they don’t care too much though.

this sucks! better let the foot off on the top end

I know, I’d be embarrassed wearing a helmet for a 14+ second run as well.

Not saying your wrong. Yet, I have driven 5 different vehicles all in between 12.0’s and 13.1’s in the past while (2 years) and I never had to wear a helmet. Never got asked. And 2 of these cars were obviously “race” cars.

I’m gonna check out all the rules on the site anyways. Might have to update dad’s car with some stupid neutral positive wiper position access switch just to make them happy.

btw ^^^^ is a joke…:blah:

do we have to pre pay? or is it just when we get there?

pay at the gate

is it just drag to?

not sure what they will have open. but I would assume yes. only 1/4 mile test and tune

so tomorrow then? Saturday?

ill give u a head start … LoL

lol jacob! raffie
hopoefully the dunlop graspic 225 45 17 will grip si v vill hava race.If jour car can keep up!

are people still going? It might be raining tomorrow morning.

I’m not. Weather is shit. My clutch is getting done also.

so who is going today cause the weather does look pretty shit, ooo and btw does cayuga have a place where u can just fuck around ie somewhere legal to kill some winters


^ try again tommorrow

I just called them, Drag strip is closed due to high winds, but road course is still open at 80$ a pop

Wow, drag strip was packed as hell. Only saw 3 other 240s out, Adam Hutchinson’s old black race car (they didn’t let him run for some reason?), a stockish looking white s13 hatchback, and an s14. Didn’t see the times though. I ended up running a 14.1 @ 101 mph at the end of the day, kind of disappointed, but lots of room to improve on.