touch screen blackberry what?

the newer blackberrys are realy starting to impress me. At work we have been getting them in at a steady pace for our employees. The newer ones are alot sleeker and the ball makes a much better phone then the scroll wheel.

your welcome.


brackberry party.

yet another last-ditch effort by RIM to stop losing marketshare to the iPhone and WinMo devices, I’m not impressed.

I like my Palm Centro. Eat me!

x2…i love my BB curve

the 3g iphone MAYBE, winMO def not.

are you serious? RIM has been having explosive growth YoY

if we had a blackberry server i’d be all about them, but alas we don’t so windows mobile it is.

All though exchange 2007/WM6 is a pretty stellar competitor for BES. Full remote control of phones, can wipe them etc - full sync of everything. I think that the blackberry OS itself is faster, but its windows, what do you expect.

All in all i have a feeling windows mobile will eventually win due to the fact that so many businesses already have the capacity needed to host mobile phone usage.

Verizon is giving away BES’s and BPS’s right now.


RIM is in bad shape…

WinMo has to be more stable for that to happen. Right now the Blackberry OS is probably the most stable out there, even more so that Nokia’s S60.

I was just going to say our company alone has gone from maybe 6 blackberries to about 20 in the recent months. They are all about giving these things out like candy lately.

they make an asston on the tech support and software.

the problem with verizon is that you get this phone and then pay $50 a month in data usage on top of your minute plan.

i think ill stick with the 3g iphone

the problem is that you dont have correct information when you post on this topic.


This is the third time I have corrected you on this.


Lol you kidding me?

And to the guy that said WinMo is great because of the remote server capabilities, BES has had those same functionalities for years, and it runs 10x smoother. WinMo just got those abilities with WM6.

and yet you are still wrong… i just quoted a blackberry the other day with unlimited calling and data…

DATA USAGE: ie. not just being able to get email and go to facebook that average users do. full DATA.