touch screen blackberry what?

You gotta pay to play. GTFO.

I am not wrong.

unlimited calling and data on blackberry is $130/month. unlimited voice is $100. 130-100 = 30.

adding blackberry data to a voice plan = $30

the only restriction is tethering.

I think he is also talking about text messaging and other data features. Unfortunately for him his point sucks because AT&T is the same exact price. Sprint and T-Mobile are cheaper and also much worse service/coverage. AT&T also doesn’t let you bundle the Unlimited minutes with the unlimited corporate e-mail. You have to pay extra for that, whereas Verizon’s $129.99 includes both personal and corporate e-mail.

I am basing this when I was comparing a blackberry on verizon to an iphone on att with exactly the same features. Unlimited minutes, data, and texting to anyone and Verizon is not cheaper.

Also ,for the people who said that RIM was failing, they just ended up on the top 10 american IT companies.

No. 3
Research In Motion

One company that has held up well against the Apple iPhone is Research In Motion (RIMM) . It’s the only company with an electronic devicethe popular BlackBerrywhose cultural cachet matches Apple’s. On Apr. 2, Research In Motion reported strong sales for its fiscal fourth quarter that ended in early March. Revenue for the fourth quarter was $1.9 billion, up 102%, from $930.4 million in the same quarter of last year. Some 2.18 million net new BlackBerry subscribers were added in the quarter, bringing the total BlackBerry subscriber account base to more than 14 million

VZW: Unlimited voice, BB(BIS or BES), text = $150

ATT: Unlimited voice, BB (BIS), text = $150
Unlimited voice, BB (BES), text = $165

unless I am reading your posts wrong…

he is comparing the vzw blackberry plan to the at&t iphone plan.

From an ATT rep when I was asking about an iPhone I got this:

$140 a month

Breakdown is

unlimited voice 99.99
Iphone data. 20
Unlimited text 20

If I go on the VZW site, add the 8830 World Edition BlackBerry and Pick Unlimited Minutes, its 99.99 + 44.99 with no unlimited texting option…

the at&t iphone plan is cheaper than the bb plan

bry, the 44.99 plan is a business plan. You only need the 29.99 plan dude.

I don’t think the 29.99 plan allows for tethering.

it does not

does the iphone data plan allow it?

nope. at&t charges for all tethering plans. and they do catch you if you try to do it without the plan, it’s not hard for them to see the massive data useage. i think the only company that includes tethering is tmo.

so then if you don’t want to tether(which you cant do with the at&t plan you priced out), you should pick the 29.99 web and email plan

so 99.99 + 29.99 +19.99 = 150


also unlimited text is a big one cuz i average 4k received alone each month

on a side note, can you install custom software on a blackberry similar to palm or is it locked?

you are comparing it to an at&t plan that does not allow tethering either…

i’m sure once you tack that on with at&t the price would be the same as vzw

you can install whatever you want on a bb, as long as it’s made for it. there’s a HUGE amount of software out there for bb’s as well, i have a bunch of apps on mine.

awesome. thank you.

I would personally wait and see what this new BB has to offer. The iPhone is not very strong for IT Professionals as far as software goes or usage…YET. Obviously WinMo has the largest offering for 3rd party software and RIM is a distant second with Apple being an even more distant 3rd.

the iphone is going to be cheaper because it’s no BlackBerry. You can keep your iphone, thanks.

How many times do I need to tell you BB data on VZW can be as low as $30? Also, the nationwide unlimited select plan w/BB is $150. Do you not believe me simply because you don’t want to?

edit: excuse the large image, I’m at work and I only have Paint available.

also, that plan includes BIS or BES.

edit edit: now you are talking tethering? you need to pay extra to tether on ATT as well?

Am I missing something? Lets compare apples to apples here.