Touch Screen Keyboards. Your opinion.

I’ve used a couple briefly. I don’t think I could get used to them, but sooo many new phones are coming out without a real keyboard. Makes for a nice small package too.

So what’s the deal? Do you get used to them? Do some suck and some work OK?

You easily get used to them. I find now that I can type much faster on my iPhone than I ever could on my blackjack. Typing with one hand obv becomes more difficult, but I try not to do that shit while I’m driving…

I send way too much email, text, and bbm during the day. I dont know if I can give up my curve.

i have both on my phone. touchscreen and slideout. slideout is obv much faster when texting/email etc. i do however use the touchscreen quite a bit too. at times it will add a different letter in there, which is annoying, but i dont expect anything less. i did however install a different keyboard, which had the letters more spaced out, which helped.

it’s a learning curve… remember the first time you learnt what T9 (or whatever your phones uses for fast text input). I’ve used a couple iphones, every time I use one it gets a little easier.

In landscape mode I can type pretty damn fast on my iphone now that I’ve had it a while. There is a learning curve, and you have to watch your swearing because it auto-corrects a lot of swears to something else, but I don’t see how I’d be any faster on a similarly sized “real” keyboard. I’m ok in portrait mode but my giant man thumbs get in the way more.

Still can’t touch how fast I type on a PC keyboard though.

I have the BB Storm and it takes a few days to get the hang of it but once you do, it’s just like a standard keyboard. I can hammer out txt, emails, etc without any difficulty. It really all depends on how quickly you adapt to new technology. Some people adapt quickly, others take longer (or not at all).

Negative, me no likey.

While the voyager may be a suckey phone, the keyboard is the best I’ve ever used.

Touch screen keyboards FTL

The amount of times I sent the work “duck” and “shot” is quite retarded. One time I it corrected something to “bunnies” and I came off as a fucking homo to the person I sent the text too. I can’t remember what word I was trying to put though lol.

The more you X it out, the more it learns not to correct it, though. It now knows I’m going to type “fuck” or “shit”.

yeah my iphone drove me nuts with “ducking”. I also called a girl a slot and told people to meet me on Plywood instead of Elmwood. Also, drunk texting = the suck.

best keyboard i ever had was on my enV, but only because i would never mess up and could txt rediculously fast…i dont mind the touch keyboards though, it def takes some getting used to.

I’m not sold on them yet. The Blackberry’s is cool because there is some actual tactile response, but the screen is just too small for my needs. IMO, my Nokia E90 has the absolute best keypad ever, but that’s because it’s big and comfortable.

the motorola q9m was the best “real” qwerty keyboard i had ever used (i had a blackberry 8830, htc6700), the blackberry storm touchscreen keyboard is just as fast as i was on the q9m, maybe even a little quicker with the auto spelling correct.

I also have the storm, works great for a touch screen. Suretype combined with the ‘click’ screen makes it a great on screen keyboard. I would prefer a slide out on the device but it does very well.

I prefer the touch keyboards, although I have both. Itouch, and the samsung u740. Just depends on what it is. The pressure sensitive ones feel a little sloppier than the iphone/touch keyboards which i believe are heat sensitive. The dare for example. Not a big fan of the way that keyboard operates. After enough use though you can prob get used to anything. Ive also got fairly large fingers and have managed to adapt to the touch screens somehow.

I have used quite a few iphones and an LG Dare

I don’t really care for the on-screen keypad. LG ENV has a nice big qwerty, my favorite. The keypad on the Centro is JUST big enough to be useful.

The screen reacts to the changes in current. And obv, your body has a charge to it that it can detect.

interesting. its just difficult to use a dare or another touch screen after using the touch/iphone without going, wtf is this piece of shit. its just so responsive, high res, bright etc.

I know. I believe Apple holds the patent to the technology so other devices are forced to use less reliable methods. I hate using other touch screens.