Tougethisdb1's ....DB1?...

oh snap, is it going to be 1 color this year?

prolly not


soon enough, ive got more important things to buy

Harlequin styzles

he needs a couple more colors.

is that the multi colered vw’s?

Indeed it is

they were made for the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics. only on 4 door golfs. each dealer in the US got 1.

i thought they looked kinda cool!

a few people have made them fast, swapped in VR6’s and put a blower or turbo on it, and i saw a 1.8t swapped one… alot of cool little touches out there for them, like harlequin steering wheels and shift/ebrake boots, people doing 4 different color wheels. little clown car

cool info, didn’t know that. approx. how many are there, do you know?

atleast 264. maybe more.

only on mk3 golf 4 doors? because someone on vwv said they saw a mkIV jetta harlequin :lol must be a poser.

wow, youre quick to the game.

yes at H20i there was a mk4 harelquin. not a big deal, its just painting body panels… the chassis is 1 of 4 colors, and the other 3 of the 4 are painted randomly throughout the car…

hares are the shizzz. Id love a VRT har

Looks real good bro. Mine looked like that last week, except black.

what does that mean? i was just wondering if the mkIV came from the factory like that or if the dude repainted it

Dont talk back to him. He knows everything.

btw… looks god seamus!. Cant wait til i buy this beater and start the body work on my car.