Tougethisdb1's ....DB1?...


sweeeeet mah dude. Get this running!!

first post in this thread has some sickkkkkkk picssssssssss

photobucket for the loss

you iz just makin excusezzzzz you haz nothin ta show us…

Seamus put a B18b in it, some JDM hoes in the front seat, and NAWS.

Shits hella tiiiight

Seamus, eta on completion date?



hahaha, well id be happy as long i got a ride in it after its completed. that car is awesome!

chargespeed lip. chillin in the garage with the roomies car :slight_smile:

who likes crappy cell pics???

I DO I DO!?!

nice, nice. post moar

and these are for you stallmer. the new daily

cant wait till this is done, when you start working on it let me know ill bring over the beer, you shoulda took some pics of the engine bay thats the best part. clean engine bay FTW

any idea of when it will be done? and nice pick up on the new daily.

the lip looks good!

Sweet!!! We have twins. Both 96/97 silver dx’s. Everything is looking good kid!

FYI: That white subie is for sale. ballin PICS BRA!..Whos white evo is that?
