Toyota, Ford and now GM - Sticking Accelerator Pedal

They advise you to put it into neutral, hit the brakes, then turn off the car once you are safely off the road.

Ant, these chips for your G and 350’s are $30 and make a world of difference… Much quicker response and faster revving.

For the love of God XO NOT just shut your car off. The Steering wheel will LOCK. Neutral until a safe stop can be made and then shut it off. Would be best.

You guys make it out to be easier than it is to get a license here. The problem isn’t the tests, it’s the corruption (paid off instructors). I have heard of a few Desi schools doing payout arrangements with the Desi examiners. We’re talking 500 and you have a license. No wonder Brampton is full of such shit drivers.

LOL, Dont take the key out.

Edit: If you shut you car off and key turn the key back over to where all the lights turn on (forget what the position is called) then the steering wheel is unlocked.

A woman died when I was younger doing that. She flew off a csr park. Weird shit.

fuckin right at least im not the only one

The steering wheel will NOT lock on a properly functional steering column unless the gear selector is in PARK. Or if it’s manual, you must press and hold the key release button.

All you have to do is turn the key back one click; from run to accessory.

Either way, hearing your engine bouncing off the rev limiter when you (if you) have the sense and reaction to put the vehicle in neutral will scare the fuck out of the ordinary person.

First of all, The Vibe is a Toyota Matrix and it’s made in California at the Toyota plant (well it WAS until the end of last year, they stopped making them)

Secondly, Electronic throttles SUCK and they are for women.

Thirdly, if my throttle sticks, I put the car in neutral. DUHHHH.

LOL… Toyota is gonna be fucked for a long time. But its not entirely their fault ppl are dying from this problem, its because society just uses a car to get to one place to another they don’t ever try to learn anything about cars. Sooo who’s fault is it when a dumb ass doesn’t know to put it in fucking Neutral??

I can guarantee 70% of people that drive have NO idea as to what 1, 2, and N mean.


Just remember folks…R is for RACE! :slight_smile:

I bave said this before: everyone should have to pass their driving tests in a stick. There should also be a basic car knowledge test as well.

one of the guys i know actually know a person that had this done to but when he hit the brakes it didn’t work as well, so there are other prblems that weren’t told about


I also agree. If you can’t handle the basic idea of how a car works you shouldn’t be able to drive one. You don’t see automatic motorcycles, why? Imagine how many idiots would kill themselves on them! (They do actually exist)

dbw’s are actually a global plot to thin the herd.

Haha… well, I would be ok with that being the method.

you know how many retards there are out there that think their car is having the same problems toyota is claiming… until i go and pull the 5 rubber floor mats they have all stacked up and jammed underneath the gas, brake and some people even clutch pedal

I agree. It would also be alot better if auto trans never exsisted.

I think auto has it’s place, I just find it teaches bad habits. I learned in an auto and drove one on and off for several years. When I learned stick/which consisted of me buying my 240 and getting it home in the rain and rush hour-I had to relearn everything. It’s a completely different mindset and approach to driving that requires more self-awareness of your surroundings and the car. If you are complete shit at driving you will not go anywhere quick in a manual, that’s for sure.

We all had to learn how to use the clutch, become more adept st throttle control, learn clutch in points, up and downshifts, what gear to out it in for various turns. You tend to check your mirrors more because it’s more of a neccessity in a manual. If you’re on a steep hill and some asshole leaves two cm of room, you’re gonna wanna ebrake that slat so he doesn’t smash your ass the minute he sees no brake lights. Just things like that.

You also can’t easily get away with driving, talking on your phone, and not paying attention. I saw 3 blondes roll into parking lots talking on their phone and not paying attention. These women would never make it out of the driveway in a manual, and thus, two less accidents waiting to happen off the road.

Also ask yourself this: when was the last time you saw a European family cause an accident? I am talking about the ones that come from a country where nobody has seen an automatic. The whole family learned stick when they were 9 kind of European. I have NEVER seen one in my life.

Now this shit, a woman in an autotragic, I have seen many times. I saw 3 women crash their autos on Thursday. Apparently less than 2 cms of snow is really hard to drive in.

snow driving with a clutch is easier and more fun.