Toyota, Ford and now GM - Sticking Accelerator Pedal

My 350z had a DBW problem, the throttle wouldnt work at all until you smash the pedal 20 times as hard as you can and then jump on top of the motor and start jumping around and wobbling it and it would work again.

Fuck DBW.

Pics or vids? :slight_smile:

I can picture you doing that.

In the UK, don’t they have separate licenses for automatic and standard transmission cars?

But in all honestly, North America is pretty much the only place where the automotive companies actually profit from selling automatic transmissions. Every other country in the world (disregarding paddle-type performance vehicles), everyone and their dog knows how to drive manual, or even drives manual…

North Americans have it too easy. They want everything done for them… Not everyone, but most. They’re too used to their bare necessities being able to make their lives much simpler that they become uninformed (see, I didn’t say stupid/dumb) about other things available to them (ie. how to drive manual, emergency driving maneuvers, how to survive when the power goes out for so many hours, etc).

I’ve heard good stuff, but I was always too lazy to get it, I guess I’ll try it out when I come back. I recall it being a lot more though. Yea, just looked it up, it’s $330. I knew there was a reason I was procrastinating on it :smiley:

looooooool unfortunately none

back on topic… cross posting my observation from nyspeed

more than 5 million cars effected… could be upwards of 7 million cars worldwide.

I gotta believe that the cost of warranty work is going to be $150 - $400 each for the part, transport, labour, etc. etc.

that’s anywhere from $750,000,000 to $2,800,000,000 just in direct costs not including the liability from the lawsuits from the dozens dead and thousands of other cases of accelration related accidents and issues…

plus then you have the loss of sales…

This is going to cost A LOT!!!

Even being conservative you gotta be over $2 Billion in the next 24 months… fuck

hope nobody on here works at CTS, I feel they won’t be open much longer after toyota slaps their ass with that huge bill.

I was messing around on google the other day and punched in my wedding date for this summer (Aug 28 )to see what happened on that day in history… turns out Toyota became an independent company on that day in 1937.

I wonder if they’ll be around to see their 72nd birthday or will the gov’t bail them out like GM and Chrysler.

They’re done. They will not see another contract because of the projected losses, and they’re going to be held accountable for the defective part that was supposed to leave the plant in good working order, to spec, as set out by Toyota, unless the specs given by Toyota were faulty in the first place. Regardless, the damage has been done to CTS. As we speak, I believe, they are not making that part and therefore not producing. Anyone else that may have had contracts with them are gonna be pulling the fauck out by using any loophole possible to terminate their contract with CTS.

Toyota is the biggest automaker in the world, número UNO. This I’d a GM kind of loss. Be prepared to see lots of job slashes, production shutdowns, and closing dealerships. There are so many damn hands involved in cars from the beginning to the end. From the guys that make and process the metal to the delearships and everything inbetween. One mistake like this will jeopardize dozens upon dozens of different jobs. It’s really sad because So many people that have worked so damn hard for a living and have done nothing wrong are going to be indirectly “punished”.

I doubt we’ll see the kind of cuts that we saw at GM, Toyota’s philosophy is not based around closing things to improve profitability. I think they will take the hit and keep their employees and dealerships. They will just move them to do somethign else.

Dude… do you know how big CTS is?

This will not affect CTS too significantly… they may lose a couple contracts but thats about it. They have done upwards of $1 Billion in sales in a particular year, they are not just that plant in Mississauga.

They’ve been down for the past couple years due to recession etc. but as the industry goes so shall they.

Moreover, they are right when they say that they merely produce to Toyota’s specs. The testing, durability and warranty exposure is all Toyota’s.

Moreover, the effected vehicles goes back to before CTS provided the units for Toyota, so it is not solely a CTS issue.

After doing more reading about CTS, I feel if anything they will just ramp up the QC (much like toyota does) and they will be okay.

Toyota has a history of pawning off the blame on suppliers (see: Tacoma frame rust)

I have this feeling…in my gut.

Toyota AND CTS will come out scott free. It’s going to be some little guy out there somewhere thats gonna get fucked.

Yes, CTS is big. Main head office is in Tennessee? Or something like that, I forget.

This will be interesting to see what happens.

My best friends girl friend has a Toyota Corolla; still with a year left on her lease. Toyota called her up. In a nut shell, they offered to “waive” her final year of payments and offered her an '10 Tacoma 1 level up from base model for $31,000 (IIRC) financed. 2.1% blah blah and they would NOT budge.

She went to Ford. Ford is offering to take the lease (lease busters) and put her in a fully loaded, top of the line 4x4 Ranger for $21,000 financed at 0%.

I could be mistaken on some of the details…but that is what I recall of the LOOOOONG ass story they told me.

So, I’m interested to see whats gonna happen with Toyota!!!

kinda off topic but if i got offered a 2010 tacoma or a ranger. i would take the tacoma no matter the price, ford’s ranger’s are shit, run the same as the mazda b series (flame if you want) . I drove a 2007 5 speed 4cy 4x4 tacoma back from north carolina and that was a beautiful truck with more power then i thought from a 4cy

Shit? My '09 is awesome, 4.0 5spd…I practically stole it off their lot.

As for Toyota and CTS, there to big I’m sure they’ll pull through it.

I never liked Ford…ever. Ever ever.

I told them to go with the taco as well. But, 10g’s is a big difference.

Why do you think Ford is selling? Its a god damn steal.

Very nice words chosen lol